What I'm TALKING about!!! Thank you , Bill! You have furthered what others here are slowly beginning to see. MANLY meats () Chevy By the way, NICE color for a Chevy truck!
Although not my first choice of color, it's a pretty cool ride. The owner likes it. Patti says "I'm a chick and chicks can get away with this color" Here's another shot of it.
Whoa ! That's a bit much . O.K. for a chick or mayhap West L.A. . Sayeth the fellow who used to own and love a Coral Metropolitan Nash......
Ok~ok! REAL men were "pink". Look at the grills however, and you can tell what a REAL man drives! ...or is it just that pink and "fancy" grill...
Amazingly , It's a TOTAL chick magnet Whatever I decide to do , it becomes masculine Try it , it works . BTW : I really do suffer from ' Long Motor Envy '
We need pictures Nate You in the metro with a cigar in one hand, a long neck in the other and SWMBO by your side.
Metropolitan Nash Well ; I sold the coral one and the two remaining , one is a red Fixed Head Coupe and t'other is a battered primered Drop Head Coupe with a custom removable hard top . it has portholes like a '55 T-Bird . No pix I don't think sorry . I'd post 'em ifn' I had any .
Obtw : I stopped smoking nearly 30 years ago (dang coffin nails) and I absolutely don't drink and drive ! Admit it , you just want to see more pix of Nurse Goodbody !
It's been 27+ years for me Nate. And I have a strict 1 drink limit. Any more and SWMBO drives. So I guess you are right about the pictures.
Just Funnin Ya Know I hope no one takes offense . Them coffin nails were tasty but the heath effects are scary . HAPPY EASTER all ! .