Hello guys, meaby a strange question... i need to know the size (thickness) of the tread from the Gearshift Knob,i have a 3 speed Column Shift. I gonna buy a "8 ball" shift knob and the problem is that i cant get in to the Chevy...........look at the picture Can somebody help me please ?
Most of the aftermarket shift knobs come with adaptor threaded inserts that allow the knob to fit most shift levers. If your's in from an American supplier it should have them, when in doubt,,, ask.. Val
283 man i will do it no problem but.....you must bring him to Belgium Billybones : yes the truck is in Belgium,bought him last year in California,there are not so mutch over here and also no pieces ! Bought everything in the USA.Costs a lot of money on shipping and customs but thats the name of the game. dvalentine : the knob is from the UK and the seller asks the tread to fit,i will search 1 in the USA with an adaptor. Thanks for the replys ! The bodywork go's verry good on the Chevy,all the welding is done,motor is in,interieur is ok.Normaly all done end november.
http://cgi.ebay.com/8-BALL-SHIFT-KNOB-Real-Pool-Ball_W0QQitemZ6529507296QQcmdZViewItem http://store.bobdrake.com/8ballshiftknob.html http://www.thehotrodgirl.com/8ballshifter.html http://www.go-kat-go.com/skuldic8bals.html
Thanks dvalentine for the links ! The stores have to mutch shipping costs and the link to Ebay,that seller only ship in the USA. I like to buy on Ebay and found this 1 in the USA http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4629911877 A nice set and low shipping costs,could not be better !
Since we are on the topic I found these sweet turn signal levers with built in hi/lo switch. http://www.watsons-streetworks.com/column_switches_knobs.html http://purplecranium.com/c-53704-shift-knobs.html