I got an information about a generator with mounted power steering pump. I start with my work (manual to power steering) and i think thats a great solution. only one belt an i have a perfect power steering in my truck who knows details about this part???
Reower steering Volker,If I remember correctly this was an option on 55-57 Chevys. Maybe the same system was used in later years too. Good luck with this project. John
I've got one, from a 55' sedan, Ken told me not to get rid of it as its a sought after piece. But, I don't need it. Flashlight
Generator Also used on Cadillac and Oldsmobile through 1960 or so , be sure you get a 12 volt one (red tag if the tag is still there)
Here's a couple of shots of what you're describing along with an exploded diagram. Happy hunting! Click this link for the diagram https://talk.classicparts.com/photos/showphoto.php?photo=821&ppuser=5385
thats it exactly what i mean but i know this part with a new generator is available in the US. My problem is I don't know where is the vendor.
Power steering pump Flashlight Intrested to understand the mecainicall driven hydraulic pump system even better. Question; Is there any electric sirquiting involved between the generator and pump or is it a plain mecanic pump driven by the main generator axle to keep up the pressure? Does the generator gets easely warn out as it has to turn an extra component ? Martinius.
generator with steering pump I found it - and in Germany It's a generator from Ford with an longer axle on the rear. I use 4 screws and a clutch to connect the power pump on the generator. The generator has 70amp and the power pump deliver 100 bar pressure. Enough to work in my truck. cost in germany about 200 euro complete
Martinius, I would defer that question to Ken, as he is actually using his. Mine was with my 235 engine and I have never really taken it apart. Volker that is nearly $300.00 for the piece, seems expensive but probably a rare part in Leipzig area. I guess by the time you shipped one from the States it would be pretty high as well. I'm glad you found one but from a Ford!! Ach du lieber, meine Gott! Flashlight
I only wish I had one of those setups! Those pics were taken at the Klein Show & Shine earlier this year. It was on a really nice '55. As I understand it, the shaft on the generator is longer and it powers the pump.
Thanks Ken, As you recall, mine is under the steps in the Barn, the thought of crawling under there was giving me a catch in my back. I do however make sure it gets the dust blown off with my leaf blower during garage sweepouts. Flashlight
Generator Driven Power Steering The generator's armature has an extended rear shaft that is splined so if you center the pump correctly when you install it , the additional wear in the bushing is negligable . Being a generator with the power running through brushes and commutator 3" from the vented PS pump , means they wear out or loose conductivity sooner than other generators , moreso if you have a too small battery or a lot of current consumers . Proper care and the occasional cleaning of the commutator bars helps extend life greatly . If you look at Hot Rod 50's projects , this unit is often left abandoned on the original engine when it it uncerimoniously yanked and junked . ALWAYS talk to Hot Rodders about the unwanted original parts ! . FWIW , YMMV , etc. , etc. more useless trivia and yes , it is possible to get it out of a fully loaded '59 Caddy , in July , in the pump island , in the 125° F heat without taking apart anything else........
Martinius, We had a nice warm day, so I went to the barn and dug out the Generator set-up. It is a 12 volt. Originally in a 55' sedan. I like the dutch and belgian women also...so healthy looking!
' Healthy Looking ' Women yeah ; Like grammaw said : ' Ain't nabbutt a dog wants a bone ' . or , at least she might vae , had I ever met her .
@ Volker You had better keep a close eye on her, I only missed seeing her because I could not go to Leipzig in my days in Deutschland. But...now I can, if the dollar ever becomes strong again I will return. Are cartons of Marlboro's and Americanishe Champagne still appropriate gifts for first date's? Flashlight
Volker's Wife So ; you got married to a Vintage Cadillac , good choice Volker ! . BTW : who's the pretty girl ? .