I got the 248 with the hydromatic closed drive shaft is it worth it to keep like that it is leaking both the motor and the trans maybe from sitting for 30 yrs or would it be better to just put in a 350 or another inline 6 with open driveshaft
Sky's the limit, really. It's your truck, so you need to make that call. Just know that whatever way you decide to go, you'll have our interest and you'll get all the support you'll ever need to walk you through it!
thanks zig so far everyone has been a big help on this site ---- I just want a nice trouble free daily driver
A GREAT Truck ! Leaks are easy to fix , it just takes a bit of time and patience . Those Hydromatic setups were used by work trucks to log up millions of reliable miles and this one can do the same , you just need to take some time to sort it out and tune it up properly.... It's so rare and hard to find I cannot imagine changing it out for some belly button (yawn) SBC trash .
Thanks nate. Yeah im not rushing into this im just weighing my options Where is a good place to get motor and tranny parts
I've used http://www.fatsco.com/ and http://nwtparts.com/ for tranny parts. Lots of engine parts are available at FLAPS. For those that are not, http://www.egge.com/ has parts like valves and pistons.
If it runs good and its just leaks you are concerned about, why not just clean it up and put new seals in it? If you want to go over the speed limit, then the v8 makes sense. Of course, that calls for a brake upgrade as well. It is always going to be your call. If you want something different from everyone else, I would suggest the stock look. I have yet to see one at a show that is still original. I know they exist, just don't see them. I have attached pics of my current status. It's not "original", but I like it.
fix it up and keep it stock! You have the much more manly GMC engine! So remember that. Not as many around as the chevy's. I love my stock drive train. Yes, I would like to go faster then 45MPH, but with my stock brakes thats just fine. I can and haul quite a bit around with my stock truck. I have the 228GMC with the 4 speed. Do some searching around here on threads started by me, and you will see what I use the truck for. Its just a blast driving around. Surprises people all the time that its all original!
im going to finish the 12 volt change this w/e and start driving it around and see what happens ive already had it going about 55 so speed is not a problem it is fun to drive im not into the speed thing anymore ---one thing for sure this is all original that I can tell its registered now and was out of the system for more then 30 years maybe I just have to change all the gaskets and ill be good to go !!!!!!!!!
I'm hoping my 228 will hang in there~ for many more years? IMO, everything looks so much better with a fresh coat of paint~
that does look nice I think first I am going to do the 12 volt change then use a pressure washer and clean it good find and fix the leaks then detail out the engine bay keep me busy and enjoy my ride
If you are going to be down for a couple weeks before using I'd be glad to give you a deposit (you name the amount) to borrow your starter and assure it's return. I can get all the measurements from the starter nose, armature shaft length, and any other thing unique to this starter. They are IMPOSSIBLE to find. I have access to both foundry and machine services so anything that's ever been made once we can make again; just need something to go by. Thank you; Evan P.S. I can buy a never been run rebuilt 235 Chevy with the torque tube Hydramatic for the same $450 that a fellow paid the VW shop because he's given up trying to find a starter for it. I have no use for it but am just crazy I guess. If your Jimmy engine has a serious problem I can pass the deal on to you. I will NOT let anyone make a deal for just the engine because they just belong together.
Evan: Do you have reason to think the Chevy 6 and GMC 6 with Hydra-Matic use the same starter? Or at least the same starter nose ("Starting Motor Drive Housing" according to the GMC Master Parts Book)? Reason I am asking is that in the late 50's the GMC 6 and GMC (Pontiac) V8 used the same starter nose. I have one rebuilt starter and one NOS starter nose for the GMC (Pontiac) V8 that I'll never use. No guarantee of fit, but maybe worth a try. Bill
Evan Thanks for the offer but did the 12 v change already only took a couple of hours was surprised now just need to tidy it all up If i go down for a couple weeks u can borrow the starter where u located
Thanks to both of you and, Bill, I sure would be willing to check yours out to see if it's a possibility. I tried an early 50's Olds Hydramatic but of course it mounts on the drivers side of the engine and the nose/drive was also wrong. So far I haven't even seen a PICTURE of 54 Chevy setup so I'm running blind.
The GMC (Pontiac) V8 starter also mounts on the driver's side, but when mounted there the solenoid is on the bottom of the starter. When on the passenger's side ( GMC 6) the solenoid would be on the top. I'm meeting up with some of my wife's kin in Tyler on Monday. One of them actually lives in Dallas, just inside 635 near Forest. I could give both pieces to her if you'd go by and pick them up. A warning, she's a bit more sophisticated than you or me. Or I could mail/UPS them, but that may take a week or two to get around to given the busy season. Your choice. I'll put the pieces in the car and take them to Tyler tomorrow. Call me at 713-468-6417 BEFORE TOMORROW @ 6 PM if you want me to mail them. Otherwise I'll send then to Dallas with my wife's cousin.
Hydromatic !!!! Jeezo-Peezo Evan ! where was this screaming deal when I had my '49 3100 ?! . I'd about kill for an I6 / Hydromatic power train . Too late now , my truck was ruined .