Greg's 50 Build

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Root2812, May 26, 2012.

  1. Root2812

    Root2812 Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Coon Rapids, Mn
    Hey everyone! I'd like to share my project with all of you and pick your brains. First let me introduce the truck!

    My truck is a 1950 Chevy that was bought by my dad in 1989. Since then it has sat completely untouched. Here is a pic of the day it came home. I'm the boy sitting on the bumper.

    23 years later its mine and the build has begun. I just finished graduate schools so funds are limited and the project will be slow but here is what the truck looks like now.
  2. SinclairChevy

    SinclairChevy Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Keokuk, Iowa
    Great story, great photos. Looking forward to following along here while you work on your project. Do you have a goal in mind for the end result? IE powerplant, transmission, front suspension, etc...? Best of luck with the build!

  3. Root2812

    Root2812 Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Coon Rapids, Mn
    Other than the floors my truck is pretty solid. I already bought new floors. Today was the first day I have gotten to work on the truck but before I started working I had to go pick up my parts truck I just bought. I'm lucky my dad owns a tow service so I have access to the flat bed. Here is my 1953 parts truck.

    I'm excited to get the side mounted spare tire. That is one option I really want. Neither truck had an original seat but I will use the one from the parts truck. The last owner put bucket seats out of an early 60's Impala SS. I only know that because he left the console to match and it had the SS badge. My dad says that will fetch some bucks on ebay. :) I paid $400 for the parts truck I'll get more than that value in parts I'll use

    So today we brought the 50 into my dads repair shop to get started. First thing was to evaluate the truck and clean it out.

    The breaks needed bled and we did that. I put tires on it. And all the old 216 needed was to clean out the fuel tank to fire up.

    I also bought new radiator hoses but the truck didn't get to run today. I had it running if I poured fuel unto the carb but the sediment bowl was plugged up. Sadly when we cleaned it out the gasket was rotten so now the sediment bowl won't seal so I couldn't start the truck. I'll try and figure something out tomorrow.
  4. Root2812

    Root2812 Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Coon Rapids, Mn
    SinclairChevy, Thanks for your interest! I do have some plans. I am going to post that after I finish the story of today :)

    While I was in grad school I took the dash parts with me and restored them. It was nice to beable to do something even if it wasn't much.
    Started with this

    Now I have this.

    I restored all that using stuff from our host. It felt good to get them installed.

    So for today thats as far as I've gotten. I have 2 goals for this truck.

    1. To learn how to do everything myself
    2. Build an awesome truck to honor my Grand Pa's memory.
  5. SinclairChevy

    SinclairChevy Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Keokuk, Iowa
    Whoops, I replied a bit too quick! Sorry about that. You have a running engine, two trucks, have already completed some interior parts... you've got a great start! My favorite part is your two goals. I share the exact same goals for my project!!

  6. Root2812

    Root2812 Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Coon Rapids, Mn
    So the plan for the truck is to keep it classy but more hot rod. First and for most I want a paint job that looks like it belongs in the 50's. Right now I am leaning to Cream and Brown. Something close to this

    I want the side mounted spare and no bags. Sorry to those who like them but I hate bagged trucks. This truck will look classic but be powered by a 5.3 vortec down the road. I want to be able to drive the old girl and 50mph won't take me to many places.

    For the suspension I am thinking a mustang II set up and a 4 link in the back. I also want to run the artillary rims with white walls.
  7. Root2812

    Root2812 Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Coon Rapids, Mn
    No need to be sorry about posting :) I'm just glad someone took interest. haha!

    My dad had originally bought this truck for my grandpa and he really loved it even though it never got touched. Grandpa died a few years back and I think this will be a great way to remember him all while mixing in a little modern flair.

    I got plates and insurance on the 50 so I hope to drive it for the first time on Memorial day. It seems fitting. The truck hasn't been driven in 23 years.
  8. SinclairChevy

    SinclairChevy Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Keokuk, Iowa
    Sounds like a great plan! Are you going to mate the 5.3 to a 4L60E? What rear axle are you going to use? I really dig the color choice you're considering.

    I'm definitely interested! Hahaha... I'm trying to follow all of the AD truck builds I can find to try to gain knowledge for my own build. The group here has been really great helping me out with my build, and encouraging me to keep on truckin'.

    I really like the idea of you getting your truck out on Memorial Day... completely appropriate. Enjoy your first ride!

    Last edited: May 26, 2012
  9. Root2812

    Root2812 Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Coon Rapids, Mn
    I wanted to say that I bought the parts truck for the fenders and the frame. I'll build that frame while I enjoy the 50 and swap stuff over later rather than have my truck all blown apart for god knows how long. :D
  10. Root2812

    Root2812 Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Coon Rapids, Mn
    I plan on finding a doner silverado at some point so I'll probably run the 4l60e. I know that I want an automatic. I'm not sure about the rear end yet. I'm thinking an explorer one but I really want to maintain a chevy bolt pattens, probably 5 bolt.
  11. Root2812

    Root2812 Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Coon Rapids, Mn
    I'm so excited that I forgot something really cool to share! Part of the fun of the build process is uncovering the trucks history. Today I found some clues.

    My dad told me it originally came from Montana and it has a mount on the roof for a light. I think it must have been some kind of public service truck. Then today when I got it up on the hoist I found thick tar and cement caked under neither. I am starting to think that it may have been owned by the Montana DOT and was used when building roads. Ofcourse I don't know for sure but thats where the clues are pointing me.

    If I can speculate further.... Its a delux cab with a short box half ton.. Not exactly a work truck set up for 1950. So maybe it was a forman or supervisors ride? :cool:
  12. SinclairChevy

    SinclairChevy Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Keokuk, Iowa
    I'm diggin' the investigative work! This is too cool. My Grandpa's truck was a 1950 half ton short bed as well. But it served as the supervisor's truck (haha) AND the work truck... it had a big homemade (I assume) push bumper on the front end to shove vehicles around the service station's parking lot.

  13. customhotrod

    customhotrod Member

    Jul 27, 2011
    "The Rock" Sweden
    Man you're doing great progress buddy. You're the foundation we build our future on and with a foundation like that, we have a very nice future ahead of us! Keep up the great work! Your grand father is watching and I'm sure he's proud of what he sees!

  14. Root2812

    Root2812 Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Coon Rapids, Mn
    Thanks for the kind words Klaus.
  15. Root2812

    Root2812 Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Coon Rapids, Mn
    Well today was a bit disapointing. I got the truck ready to take out on the road. I got all the lights working and the sediment bowl issue fixed. I backed it out of the garage and had no brakes. I just filled and bled the brakes yesterday so I expected them to work. I put the truck back on the hoist and saw fluid pouring from the left front wheel.Turns out I need a wheel cylender. So no brakes means no drive this weekend.

    I still got alot done so I'm still happy about that.
  16. Root2812

    Root2812 Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Coon Rapids, Mn
    Brakes or no brakes I drove it anyways. :D Only across the parking lot at the shop but I still drove it.
  17. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Project 1950

    You're on the way ! .

    Be smart & SAFE , rebuild / replace ALL four wheel cylinders , the master cylinder and those crispy old brake hoses too ! .

    Take your time on the new frame , be sure to add the VIN off the title to the new frame as these trucks DO NOT have marked frames .
  18. Root2812

    Root2812 Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Coon Rapids, Mn
    Thanks Nate. I am buying all 4 wheel cylenders and the brake lines and master cylinder were replaced about 10 years ago by my uncle eventhough he never drove the truck. They are in good shape. I checked them out.
  19. Root2812

    Root2812 Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Coon Rapids, Mn
    Hey guys,

    What an exciting day. I was riding the bus home from work and decided to browse craigslist on my phone. Next thing know I'm makeing a call and got one hell of a score.

    I got this visor for only $90. The guy said his dad took it off his truck 32 years ago and its been in the garage since. ANd it looks like it. Its mint. The deal was $90 and I have to bring my truck by one day so he can reminise about his father.


    Best part is.. Look at the trim condition..

    And here is a pic of the damage. I tiny tiny pin dent. See by my shadows head.

    So its only missing the mounting screws.

    And one of the bolts with the barrel nut.

    So beides screws/bolts do I need any rubber to put between the bracket and the cab so they don't rub?

    Guys I am so stoked about this deal! I can hardly contain myself. I plan on getting this installed this weekend.
  20. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Fulton Sun Shade

    SWEET ! .

    Notice the funky green underneath ? that's special original anti-glare paint so DO NOT paint over it !!! .

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