Does any body know where I can get a different color refacing kit I painted my dash a different color and would like to use the original gauges but I want white with black letters Thanks
I haven't seen refaceing kits in white but classic parts carrys the whole guage in white.
decals Not 100% sure but i think if you buy the regular decal kit and take them into a office max office depot or a print shop they probably could copy them for you a lot cheaper than that 500 doller kit.
decals If they say no then try the one of those places that does car wraps they do the same thing in a larger scale.
Just call our host and they will give u a quote on any type of repair or reface on gauges but it takes 4 to 6 weeks.
I had a graphics shop make a replacement decal for my motorcycle gas tank. It's high quality vinyl, so that would probably be good for a replacement gauge face. You'll have to provide something to copy from. It wasn't costly at all, either.
Gauge Decals I had a graphics shop make some decals for me using artwork I created. A good shop can easily copy the original decals you provide and just reverse the colors. Here's what I did: