I hope all here realize jusy how lucky we all are to be able to do this , playing with or in my case , making your living with , tools and vehicles..... I've been Off Line a day or so due to some yahoo issue but I remain thankful to be alive and pleased to be allowed to be here in this August Group . Kaiser gave me a surgery date of December sixth so we'll see how that works out , the Neurosurgon also said I have to have a full blood workup , chest X-Ray Set and Urine testing done three weeks before the Surgurey , there isn't three weeks between now and Dec. 6th so I guess I'll be in the Hospital to - morrow trying to get them to do these tests .
Same to ya, ol' buddy! I hope everything gets taken care of for you, Nate~ Not much fun to look forward too, but once done, who knows? Dance the night away with SWMBO? I feel very blessed for SOOO many reasons/things. My truck is just one of those things. Your help here and everyone else's is yet another. You all are helping with the painfully s-l-o-w delivery of my baby, and I couldn't have had the nerve to tackle this without you guys and your input. So thanks! And Happy Thanksgiving, all!
I did as much damage as I could to the bird today, alas, I think the bird may have won......nap round two.....ding ding!
Same here, Guys. Good meal, good football, (Texans won, in overtime, for the second time in four days.....) Wife and Me and the 2 Doggies today. Kids and Grandkids on Saturday. Truck is one of the first things they all wanna' check on when they come, so I've gotta show some progress... Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends here at Classic Parts.
Black Friday Whew ! that was actually very nice , Wednesday my Son cooked a ham on the barbie because he's rebuilding his kitchen from the joists on up and doesn't have stove nor sink yet...... It was the best ham I've tasted in many years , better than SWMBO's (FGS don't tell her that !) in fact , every tender morsel had the taste of both glaze and cloves in it..... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . Yesterday SMBO cooked up a ham too , plus her daughter brought over a huge bowl of chicken and stuffing , it was just two of our Foster boys and us this year , nice and quiet . My faithful Chevrolet C/10 waits quietly by the curb , I'm giving it a few days off . I hope I can get it's cylinder head swapped before my surgery , my driveway is full of half disassembled vehicles right now and I trust no one to put them right as I do . I hope to clear away several days worth of back logged E-mails and Tech Writing before heading over to Kaiser for the pre surgery things .
I hope everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving. I also hope your surgery goes well, Nate... and that you have a speedy recovery. Don't forget to check in with us here from time to time while you're laid up. Damon
Oof I ate like a pig ~ in fact , I ate the pig - both my Son's dinner Wednesday 11/21 and SWMBO's dinner 11/22 were ham this year ~ Jr's ham was cooked in his BBQ as his kitchen is being rebuilt from the joists & open studs up , trying to get it finished in time to begin on the bathroom before the Baby come next March . I have no idea how they cooked it but it was the best ham I've ever had ~ the cloves & glaze penetrated through to every inch of the meat . Mmmmm Plus trimmings , green beans , bread , on and on...... Kaiser says they'll do the Surgery 12/6 , I have an aging Dell Inspiron B130 Lap Top that seems to work O.K. , I try to take *very* good care of it and so will hopefully be able to check in and give my bad advice if anyone needs it . I'm frantically trying to button up jobs @ home , got the Nash Metropolitan back road worthy yesterday (fuel tank & pump etc. BIG job full of ' Might As Wells') and then got my big brothers old Mercedes W-126 running right again.... Back to the Daily Grind again to - morrow...
Happy belated t-day to all, be in Az. since Wednesday and glad to be able to get on line and see what has been happening. Thanks for starting the Thread Nate.
You're Welcome ! As life wouldn't be the same without you alls . Kaiser has pushed back my next Dr's Apt. to January so I'll try to get some works done before then ~ two valve jobs , suspension rebuild , U-Joints on two vehicles , brakes on my Metropolitan , so on and so forth . Maybe even some Moto riding as this may be the end of Motos for me . This is written on my old Dell B-130 Inspiron , it was chugging ever slower so this morning I spent a couple hours up grading the AGV FREE to 2013 , running scans and etcetera . It seems fine now .
I guess that's good and bad, huh? More time to do those things, but still waiting on something that won't go away. January is a colder month, so maybe it's better that way. Oh, that's right, you live in a place that knows no cold! Apparently, that's a lot like Kansas! Upper 60s to near 70 this weekend! For the 1st day of December, I'll take it!
Temps & Stuff We get into the 40°'s in winter . Mostly it's nice here , all the locals hassle me 'cause I almost never wear a jacket unless it's blowing rain . It's lightly raining here so of course some damnfool in a Mercedes blew a red light in front of me this morning as I was turning left on a green arrow . Good thing I was awake enough to consider they might not be planning to stop , I did and they zizzed right past me , never slowed one bit . As I'm driving my '59 Nash Metropolitan Sports Coupe this rainy day , it would have been very bad indeed had I not seen them in time . We had ham for Thanksgiving so last night SWMBO made me a nice toasted Turkey sandwich .