* happy father's day ! *

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by vwnate1, Jun 20, 2010.

  1. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    I know there are many good ones here.....

    You done good , the job is never quite finished though :D .

    I'm taking two of my Foster boys to the annual Metropolitan Nash Club's Picnic
    and seeing my son later this afternoon .
  2. yodaman

    yodaman Member

    Sep 9, 2007
    Cecil County, Maryland
    And a happy one to you !
  3. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Thanks, Nate!

    I hope you and your boys had a blast!
    We actually had a TWO DAY VACATION!!!! :eek:
    That was the first one of those since 2002!
    The best part was when we went to an amusement park. I talked my wife into taking our daughter on the go-cart track. It turns out, my daughter _LOVED_ it!!! She had my wife take her three times in a row, and every lap around the track they passed by, my daughter had this fierce look of a competitor, and was shouting at Darlene, "GO FASTER, MOMMY! GO FASTER!!!"
    My wife had never drove a go-cart before, so she was lapped three times in all three races. (I think she would have done as well on a riding lawn mower, but to see my daughter getting bit by the cart bug was worth everything!) :D
    Happy late father's day to one and all!
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Father's Day

    Yep ;

    It was a good 'un indeed .

    We had fun at the picnic and the boys walked the whole place checking out the girls and then stuffed themselves with the great food , looked at all the nice old cars etc. , etc. .

    Then I took them and SWMBO home and headed over to # 1 Son's place where he , his Fiance' and I had a nice relaxing afternoon then they took me to yet another freind's new Apt. where we had a nice dinner & drinks and watched the Moto GP Races and after that some *really* strange new TV Soap Opera called....' Blood Work ' or something , it features Vampires and Werewolves, Shape Changers Etc. Al , everyone is on their 20's ~ 30's and horny all the time.... really wierd and poorly written (vampiers don't have sex , DUH) but the young uns seems to enjoy it , I fell asleep on the sofa :rolleyes: .

    Back to work now .
  5. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Son and father trip to the Netherlands.

    Whe are of next week for a 10 days trip to the Netherlands driving the old MB Heckflosse. My son wonders if the old peace of junk will bring us there? And what else to tell him then offcourse it will. I am going to give him some good experiences during this trip that is for shore.
    Maybe we do a trip to Berlin to on our way back home and Copenhagen where i have to pick up my old Nimbus motorbike. The Danish mc is in excilent condition with a new 4 speed tranny instead of standard 3.


    Nice sommer hollyday wishes from Martinius and John.
  6. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    ! Road trip !

    I have many fond memories of my son and I traveling across America (and Mexico & Canada) in various old trucks and dilapidated junk cars & Motos , we always had a good time although he doesn't so much like spending days in abandoned junkyards as do I :rolleyes: .

    He'll be well pleased to see how well that Heckflosse runs flat out all day and night plus the handling will surprise anyone who's never flogged one .

    He approves of my Mercedes W-123 Diesel Coupe as it still gets up and runs but since it'll only go 135 MPH , he thinks I should rebuild it and tweak the turbocharger... (kids)

    A Nimbus ?! WOW ! you're either a very rich or lucky man Martinius .
  7. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Nimbus 1949 model.

    I am not a rich person and it took me a lot of hours to restore the bike and sidecar. Its history is that the germans occupied 30 Nimbus bikes during world war 2 and brought these to Norway. They where left alone after they had crashed them and many years ago i bought mine in some carton boxes from a olderly man , complete but in a very bad state.
    The bike has a sidecar to. This guy on the UTube film lives not far from my place and he went all the way around the world with his bike and sidecar 2 times, an amazing long world wide trip. It is an older model then mine but with the same engine i gues.


    I`ll send you some pics wich shows the bike and sidecar a litle later if i can find them right!

    Sinc. Martinius.

    Last edited: Jun 23, 2010
  8. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Nimbus pics. for Nate

    Its midle summer blood (viking tradition) to day , we celibrate the longest day of the year with the sun just going down a few minuttes and coming in sight again. No darkness, people are down near the fjords making campfire and barbequing/drinking and having fun.

    Some Nimbus pics.

    Friendly regards.

    Attached Files:

  9. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Nice Moto !

    I'd like to try it out even though I dislike Combination Rigs .

    I expect to be out riding my ' BITSA ' Honda CT90 to-morrow , I'm most anxious to try riding my trusty Ural Tourist Solo again too , I have vno idea if I can even ride a full size Moto anymore but I'm keen to give it a go .

    Ride hard, ride far and always ride SAFELY Martinius .

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