I would like to wish everyone on the forum a Happy Thanksgiving. This is my favorite holiday. Free of commercialization, it's focus is on prayerful contemplation of all that is good in our lives. Here's hoping you spend it with family, good food and fat fenders. Oh yeah...may your team win!!! Andy
Back At Ya Andy , I Give thanks everyday I Wake up , So its just another day for Me . But A Happy & Safe Thanksgiving to You & Yours As well as Everyone Else . Drive especially carefull today Folks if You have to travel. Bob
Thanks, Andy I'm with Cowboy. I try to remember to stop and say "Thank You" to God every day. There is sooo much to be thankful for. I know I am thankful for this site and all the fine fellers on it. Here's wishing you quality time with your loved ones. A special thanks to those in uniform that can't be home to hug their family and carve the meat...
Happy Thanksgiving to all. I hope that your travel is safe and your families are happy...and stuffed. Gater
Happy T-Day to all. I, for one, am very thankful for everything bestowed on me all these years. God bless and keep you all! Ken
Thank you !! Indeed ; I have much to be thankful for ~ I'm alive . Dad had his 87th birthday yesterday and his wife is holding up well too . We only had one breakdown in the car on the way up here . My son is healthy and has a good job , doesn't do drugs . SWMBO s happy and awaiting my return . I live in AMERICA , best place on earth and have good men and women out keeping us safe right at this minute , very thankful for that . I have a nice old GM truck awaiting me when I get home , it's time to add the annual Christmas Wreath to the grille . Might be turkey later on to-day .