Hi all, I was just wondering if I need to use the small carrage bolts that are used on the cowl vent setup (pivots/arms) or are regular bolts with locktite nuts good enough? No one seems to sell these small carrage bolts, but I haven't checked our host yet. It's done nothing but rain for three days and counting. Painting anything is out of the question, so I figured I'd try and finish up under the dash. Naturally, the first thing I try requires parts I can't find locally.
Oh, Zig, Done with that chassis yet? You might try Lowe's special hardware section. They have an automotive drawer that's unbelievable, I just bought some small carriage bolts for my Visor.
No Good to know, Flashlight. There's a Lowe's in Joplin, so I'll head that way if the dang roads aren't closed due to flooding. I guess I could forget taking the car and just take my boat. I could get in a fishing trip on the way. And no, with a daily 90+% humidity level, painting anything is out of the question~
Take that tax refund check and send the chassis out!! Go fishing with a clear conscience. While your there...take a few minutes and familiarize yourself with that whole stainless/special hardware section. Its amazing the stuff they've crammed in there, remember those pricey little screw lock thingies on your choke and throttle cables...they are in there. I bet I've found a dozen things there for my wagoneer restoration!
Zig, do you have ACE Hardware stores in your area? They have the best selection of specialty fasteners of any place in the universe. You pay a little more for them, but they'll have it.
We have a little hardware store on the other side of our parking lot...Pott's Hardware. We play a game-stump the hardware guys. Tis place is 1/8 the size of Lowe's, but we may have stumped them 6 or 7 times. There are 4 guys that work there, they meet you at the door and go right to where whatever you need. Weird bolts....they have them. Oddball clips and fasteners......no problem. We are constantly amazed by what they have.. They even run an old fashioned tab, just pay up when you can.
Fire~ Russ, we *had* one of those also. If you couldn't find it anywhere else, they'd have it! Unfortunately, a massive fire took it to the ground early last year. The only place we have is General Machinery, (no luck) or Home Depot. (no luck) One problem with living in a small town...
Wow is `nt that amazing in 2012 ? I am glad those litle father to son stores are capeble to survive ! We have one in Oslo to where most of the hardware is sold that way over the counter. The guy allways says , thats a strange bolt now lets me se what i have ? Climbs up his stairs and digs up what i need. And he allways comes back with a dousin of different sizes bolts. I love stores like that because they have been in the same buisness for ages . Its a kinda litle David against giant Goliath experience.
Going, going... Until the fire last year, that was the hardware store that we had~ sigh. My wife went to Lowe's today. Guess what? They didn't have the bolts either! Guess I'll just use what I can. Screw it! Or, I guess technically that would be, "Bolt it!"
No Dear!! That is not a Nut-Driver!! I got carriage bolts at Lowe's, in different sizes even, maybe have to cut them down. Question.....do you really think she looked all that hard?? Was she in the special man's hardware section with all the stainless? or possible just the usual galvanized section. I think I know the answer if it were my wife!! Just sayin'. These comments are naturally confidential!
Zig, I googled "10-24 carriage bolts" and came up with 297,000 hits. Fastenall has stores throughout the U.S. and pricey but even they can't want that much for just a few small bolts. If all else fails I can pull some from one of the parts trucks because there is a 90% chance if someone wants the cab they will want the cowl vent done away with.
Thanks, Evan! I just did that, also. Turns out there should be a store that carries these fasteners not more than 4 blocks from me! Cool! (Monday through Friday, however!)