I bought a new blower motor for my Harrison HD 01-50 heater from our sponser and the shaft on the motor is larger than the hole on the fan blade. Has anybody else had the same problem and what did they do thank you for any help. here is a pic of the same heater its the same as mine.
That's the cheaper heater , maybe it takes a different fan motor ? I know fan motors have been discussed to death over on the StoveBolt Page , including part #'s and where to purchase . I cheaped out and bought a nice one from Grainger for my DeLuxe heater, it's modern looking design but I hope most will not notice as I'm now 12 volts and I don't want to be fooling with it again in two years (re-pop stuff) Chevs Of The 40s in Wa. state will have the ' just so ' one , $pendy but fits 1st. time and works right , 6 or 12 volts .
Recirc heater motor Your heater was called a 'RECIRC HEATER' the orig motor part number is #5047730 Chevsofthe40s has NOS motors in stock a little expensive $89.75. Hope this helps Gene
right motor according to classic parts it is the right motor but the shafts diameter is to big so i am going to try to make it work. i wonder if i grind the shaft if it will effect the performance or drill the fan out. any suggestions.
heater I think that drilling out the fan would be the best way to go. You have to make sure that you get it centered or it will cause a vibration. The best way would be to use a drill press. Just a thought. Gene
What Gene Said ! If you cannot get a new fan from the vendor , drill it to suit as grinding the shaft will almost certainly make it wobble and vibrate , drive you crazy .
my truck came with a heater like this, has a round heater core right? and a prop type fan? I kept having trouble with it, fan would not but out enough air, heater core started leaking and it was very expensive to have the round heater core repaired. I tried putting a new motor on mine as well never could get it balanced with the mods i made to connect the different size shafts. I finally gave up and took a deluxe heaters out of several doner trucks and rebuilt them into one good one, much better. has rectangular heater core, centriugal blower, and thermostatic heat control knob... it is great.
I drilled out mine and it works great. You have to be careful not to drill all the way through because the center piece is crimped to the outside of the fan and it will come apart. Drill from the back side and leave about a 1/8" on the end to keep the crimp in place. It drills easy and self centers if you work up slow through the drill index. One last caution tighten the set screw down tight when I fired mine up on 12 volts it spun itself right off.
drilled i did drill all the way through the fan but welded around the flange first hope it will spin ok i havnt hooked it up yet thanks for your responces guys.
Work They take a little work to install but its worth it, i had to drill out the centre but i drilled an tapped a grub screw into the side of the boss to lock onto the flat side of the shaft, and the mounting bolts were a little out so i had to tweak the holes with a needle file. You can play about with the fan to get it to run nice as the backing plate is flexible and can be gently tweeked. Good luck