Just wanted to know the cast iron headers that i baught are painted but from what i understand that the paint is just to stop rust and it will burn off. what is everybody doing for paint on their headers will the BBQ paint at Home Depot or Lowes withstand the heat. How hot do these headers get on a 235. Thanks for your input.
Got your phone message on this Ron. Called you back but only got voicemail. I have seen stock manifolds & headers get red hot after a run at highway speeds. No paint can survive those temperature extremes. "Jet Hot" coating is the only way to guarantee a long lasting finish. http://www.jet-hot.com/headercoatings.html
Ask Tom Langdon about ceramic coating expencive but efficient ! Tom offered me this caramic coating. Maybe its possable to do in you area ? We have it on the tractors exhaust pipes and it keeps long lasting if done in a sufficient way ! Good luck Martinius.
Header Paint Thanks Joe {Dead Zone Trucking} those headers are very nice very thick gage cast iron just like the originals so joe under the original intake i will need to make a plate that fits under the intake right. And I will contact locals and see about that jet hot stuff thanks for the input.