Hello and quick question

Discussion in '1955-1959' started by Hot-heapz, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. Hot-heapz

    Hot-heapz Member

    Jan 9, 2007

    I'm a newbie here. In fact, I'm new to classic trucks in general. I've spent the past 10 years working on classic pontiacs GTO's, firebirds, etc. Anyhow, I've always wanted a truck to hotrod and just picked up a 58 3100 and a 59 3100. The 58 is an older resto job that's showing it's age and the 59 is a project/parts truck. I'm excited in that it seems like many of you have already done many of the projects I intend to try with my truck. So, here's my first questions...

    I've noticed that truck parts run about half what a similar part would for a muscle car. Is this due to the poor quality of the part, or is this because truck guys refuse to overpay for their parts?

    Second, on the same theme, I'm looking at the chrome replacement bumpers, grill and headlight bezel for my truck, again a 58. Has anyone had any experience with these regarding quality, fit, etc.? With replating costs being what they are, these seem like a bargain.

    Thanks in advance for any help you guys and gals can provide.
  2. bill55

    bill55 Member

    Aug 10, 2006
    Tacoma, WA
    Not sure about the repop chrome, nothings fits quite like original equipment. I would say it is a matter of personal opinion and what level of quality you are after. I think you will find the same level of quality as with the muscle car parts. As far as cost, the popularity of muscle cars is what drives the cost of parts and resale of vehicles. Muscle cars have brought high dollars lately where as classic trucks are alot less. When is the last time you saw a vintage truck sell for 70 to 100 grand? Just my 2cents.:eek:
  3. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    If you are not too tired of Pontiacs, you might consider a 55-59 GMC (instead of Chevy) truck with a V8. These engines were Pontiac V8s with dished pistons for lower compression and funky Bendix-Stromberg carbs. Other than that tey were very similar to same year Pontiacs. For best engine parts availability get a '59. It is a smaller bore version of the 389. All other engine parts interchange.

    Welcome to the group.
  4. ljw

    ljw Member

    Jul 6, 2002
    I have never purchased lots of repro metal as this stuff is (or was) rather plentiful in arizona with no rust.It is hard to believe that any of the repop stuff is worth much,as the Chinese don't care much about driving old chevys. I'd stick to oem anyday!
  5. gafcob

    gafcob Member

    Apr 26, 2006
    Westminster Colorado
    Smooth out what you can,Replacement fenders,hoods ect..do not fit all that well...Chineese dont drive old chevy trucks...ha ha ha Thats funny as hell

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