The 60 sb ss I just got has a 350 with block #14010207, I already know that is was manufactured from 80 - 85, its a 4 bolt, and was used in trucks. Can anyone tell me where I can find more specifics on this block # on the web. Thanks
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-05 AT 11:54 PM (CST)]According to Http:// it had pretty much what you already know. That number 14010207 is a 350 from years 80-85 with a 2 or 4 bolt main. Their other page might help you decypher more of the numbers located elsewhere on the block. Hope that helps... DVal
If you look on the flat pad on the block right behind the alternator (pass side)you will find a series of numbers and letters these numbers will break down the year made,location made,and vehicle (most likely) installed,it may give you a few choices but it will narrow it down a little bit closer,my local chevy dealer parts dept has the old books and has helped me on more than one engine iD.if all else fails send me the numbers and i will get the info for you