Some of you have asked for pics, so I have posted a few. Yes I am wearing pink leathers I know I am not smiling (hard to do when photographing yourself) This is my bike This is my ol' rusty orange (this was grandpa's) And this is me an my cousin... Hey Zig! Notice the glass of red wine
Cease and desist I implore you, PLEEEEEEZE. It's too much for all of us to handle. Cute young thing with talent, into trucks, and does her own mechanical come you never see THAT on eHarmony???? Only BAD thing is I see you mentioned that you are MARRIED. Lucky fella. Andy
You forgot a few, Andy. I couldn't have said it better, Andy~ you just got to say it first! Let's not forget, besides the above mentioned, ARTIST! (extra points) and drinks RED WINE!!! (extra, EXTRA points- in my book, anyway-) And of COURSE~ DRIVES A GMC!!!! goodness gracious shakes alive! Proof that God throws us a bone every now-and-then! By the way, Jess~ have you checked the picture of mine in the gallery of my daughter on my neighbors bike?
Jess Pix So ; You're a mechanic who also rides Motos ? wow times sure do change . Good on Ya Jess . (even if ya do drive a Jimmy)
Nice pictures-- great to know there are such well rounded individuals around-- go tell hubby how lucky he is!