Let's start a separate forum within the site where we can vent, tell stories and/or otherwise get things off of our chests, have a laugh or 2, and still help or "be helped" the next guy. We could call it "Fouled plugs" or something like that. Thoughts? Or we could take over an existing forum and make it like that. Voice your opinion as to whether or not you'd think it productive or non-productive.
Ken, that's a great idea. The only problem is we'd start some crazy topic and then end up talking about ADs! I, for one, appreciate the loss of direction of topics! ...cuz that's all I got to offer...
Magnificent idea Ken. We need somewhere to go to vent some of our frustrations because the SWMBO'S just don't understand when we talk about why something just doesn't fit right or why doesn't this thing start, it has all four components to start a combustable engine. Or atleast I know mine tunes me out. Hey Zig don't be so hard on yourself. You're learning for one, plus I've seen some intellegent things come from your post. Plus you give me some good ideas and test some of my brain power as well.
Another forum I visit has a section called "General Discussion" where you can post about anything and everything (within reason). Its a VBulletin site so it would probably be easy enough to add.
Ha Guy's We already have that style forum. Just go back and read various treads posted on this site. We can as a group take a simple tread and spin it off course. That is part of what I Love about this group Never a boring moment here Just takes a while sometimes to get a answer to your question. Great reading & Funny also.
Well, it's like i told my ex-wife... If i want your opinion, i'll give it to you. Here's my thought. We have a lot of lurkers out there that may read our advice and learn from it. I just thought it would be cool to go to a forum and say: Dang it, that's pretty strong advise. (Language cleaned up for Boop). Then there are us, who say, cool stuff, too deep, let's lighten it it up by being a wise guy (guilty). Then we go off onto a tangent and have WAY too much fun and loose our train of tought. I'm for all of that! But, if we want to just cut up, let's have a seperate forum to do it! Just thinking aloud, and whenever i think, i get a headache. Or maybe, it's Zig's "fruit of the vine!" And BTW, i would have inserted several "Little smiley faces", but Jim (Beam) and Jack (Daniels) couldn't decide where to put them