I was poking around on the web and found this. Not sure if this is new to you guys. Hope you enjoy it. http://images.google.com/imgres?img...vert&start=80&ndsp=20&svnum=10&hl=en&lr=&sa=N
WHEW ! 'At's A LOT Of Readin' ! So I just remembered the singlemost important fact : Chevy decided in 1929 to drop kick the other brands out of the playing field and introduced it's world famous " Babbit Pounder " overhead valve engine and the rest (as they say) is history........ (neat article , BTW)
Ohv6 To produce a reliable OHV engine in 1929 (for the masses) was an incredible feat! They were just learning how to make them "breathe" in those days. Meanwhile on the underside, problems with babbits was a constant struggle, always trying to pull more weight at higher speed (acceleration was not much of a thought then). Can't forget about longevity...to get 30K out of an engine was unheard of at that time. Machining tolerances, filtering and oil products pretty much sucked back then, compared to today.
Did not know that the 235/261 engine was continued in 1963 in the K10 and K20. Thought everything had switched over to the new skinny block.
Of OHV & V-8 Engines I didn't know that either , I did know GM continued making it as a replacement part for many , _many_ years after 1962 . There were plenty of OHV engines in the teens & twenties , not such a big feat . Oil quality was a big engine killer as was dust and lots of it . Apperson came out with it's vaunted V-8 in the twenties and sold it by hyping " Apperson , the 8 with _80_ less parts ! " ~ the idea being , simpler is better , less to go wrong .
Has anyone seen an estimate of what percentage of AD trucks have the "optional rear-quarter windows"? Was that part of an upgrade package? For example, do all 5 window cabs have the stainless steel trim?
Nu-vue windows, as GM called them, were part of the deluxe cab RPO. Here's a link that describes what was available as part of the deluxe cab option. http://www.chevytrucks.org/tech/deluxcab.htm
Nu-Vue Cabs Interestingly , GM first pitched this as a safety item so no , many do NOT have the DeLuxe trims in the 5 window cab RPO ~ especially the Big 'Bolts were sold in record numbers as total strippers but had the Nu-Vue option , if you go to farm country you'l find them junked with no heater but the 5 window cab . -Nate