!@%!&! Hit & Runners !

Discussion in '1973-1987' started by vwnate1, Jan 5, 2011.

  1. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    The day before we were to drive my '76 C-2500 to Las Vegas , I came out @ 0-Dark:30 to find some schmuck had clipped my driver's side mirror , shattering the glass and kept right on going :mad: .

    As soon as we arrived in Nevada , I headed over to Henderson where one of my favorite Pick-A-Part junkyards is and SWMBO sat in the truck while I walked the yard looking , I was able to find two decent original ones and snagged one for $17.70 including entry fee and tax , installed it in the parking lot and drove away happy again .

    The ruined mirror was an El-Cheapo Taiwanese one so no big loss although I remain pissed off about it .

    There were several V-8 powered 4X4 short beds in there , too bad they don't sell whole vehicles .
  2. Roadhazardguy

    Roadhazardguy Member

    Jun 26, 2006
    Canyon Lake Texas
    That sucks, I really cant stand people like that!:mad:

    Are the replacement stainless mirrors any good? Like the ones from classic parts or LMC, Im guessing that's what the el-cheapo ones are that you are referring to?
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Replacement Mirror

    When I bought it , it had Chinese repop copies of the stock ones , they were O.K. but cheap in every aspect .

    The one I scavenged off the junkyard rig , as original right down to the screws & sealing washers , the metal is heavier and chrome a bit better etc.

    It doesn't drift every time the door is closed like the Chinese one did .

    As it turns out so often , I neglected to take glass cleaner & towels in with me and when I cleaned it up after installing it , there are some faint lateral scratches in the glass from where some DPO used a dirty rag to wipe off the dust in the desert ~ this is common and why I never buy used windshields for my used car rebuilders until I've cleaned them fully , inside and out ~ before I even remove them .

    Oops :rolleyes: .

    What the heck ~it's a work truck , not a show piece .

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