Hello All, I have learned just tons from all of you guys over the last couple of years. I tune into the forum all the time, and appreciate the collective knowledge very much. Thanks a bunch! Question - I am redoing my brakes on my '51 3/4 ton and don't know if these shoes require any kind of hold down kit. I have seen hold down kits advertised for the 1/2 tons, but never a 3/4 ton. I also don't even know what a hold down kit is... It sounds like something I would need for my mother in law. I have looked on the search feature with no luck!
It is just the springs & clips that hold the brake shoes to the backing plate , if you look in your 'phone book for a Brake Jobber & hand carry in your old brake springs & what nots , he'll be able to match them up . Any competent & motivated parts man can do this by looking in the " brake parts Buyers Guide " ~ this being a book of pictures & part numbers . Chevs Of The 40's will have everything you need in stock . DO NOT TURN THE DRUMS ! .
Re: Hold down kit Thanks everyone! Nate, I will go ahead and take 'em into a shop. Yeah, my mother in law is a big reason I like to work on my truck - it never talks back -
re; hold downs. When did they change from "U" shaped flat spring steel clip to a coil spring with a cup on each end?
Topic Drift : M.I.L. My ex came by the other day and began ragging on our son's wife..... Then she complains about how he doesn't want to spend any time with her , won't visit , won't call nor return her calls etc. She doesn't think the numerous insults she hurled at the bride during the wedding have anything to do with this because well ' it's all true ! ' . Some Women just don't get it and apparentky like to be alone & miserable .