Hood Hinges

Discussion in '1955-1959' started by John_Schiltz, May 5, 2006.

  1. John_Schiltz

    John_Schiltz Member

    May 5, 2006
    Mountain View USA
    My hood is not lining up correctly, and I wanted to get input on whether to spring for new hood hinges as a possible solution. I bought the truck nicely completed, but the hood sits high in the back. The hinges don't seem to have unnecessary play in them.

    '57 Chevy Truck, 350SB, 400 trans
  2. Sledge Hammer

    Sledge Hammer Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
    You need new hinges. You can try buying new springs, but you mostlikely need new hinges. Raised in the back is common. The new hinges became available more recently than some other parts. Chances are whenever the truck was completed, the new hinges weren't available. When you lift the hood does it stay up by itself? If not, new hinges will help this too. New parts are becoming available every day. When I think of the trucks that I tore apart for parts that could have been saved today with all of the new stuff that is out, it makes me cry.
  3. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    Can you push the rear of the hood down with your hands once it is closed? If yes there is a simple solution that worked for me.

    Loosen the top bolt where the hinge attaches to the body on on side a turn or two. Then loosen the bottom bolt 1/4" or so. Slip some front end alignment shims between the hinge and the body ON THE BOTTOM BOLT ONLY. Tighten up both bolts and then do the same to the other side.

    It took 3 shims (I think they were about 1/8" thick each) on my '57 GMC.

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