Got to do what we wanted today, I sure did. One of my better Fathers day ever. Got gifts, talked to the grand children, took s ride in the truck and was able to putz in the yard with the cactus and not do a one of the Honey-do's.
Fathers day ! My son has been sick of Lime desice for a while now. He lives at a stone warp distance means not that far from our place. In that way its good feeling your wanted as a father and can support , talking about dayly obsticles and progresions. I dont care about the commercial sides around fathers day at all. Its the surprizing moment being recognized as a father that counts for me. But if my son would give me a truck part on fathers day it would make my day Take care of you all and have a nice summer!
Great day for me as well! 2nd fathers day for me and it was great. My wife and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary, by sending our son away for the weekend to her parents. Then picked him up yesterday. He was really glad to see us as were we glad to see him. Drove the truck around to run errands, just my wife and I! It was a blast
Father's Day It was GREAT ! our Foster boys got me a neat card then my son came by @ 07:30 on the dot and off we went , me astride my Ural Solo sT Moto , we met up with a dozen or so friends and off we rode , TWO Norton 750 Commandos , an 881 Sportster , a Ducati , a 1973 Yamaha 650 Twin , some other neat Motos , I had a terrific time running the mountains hard , my son bought me a nice lunch in Wrightwood , , trip back through Pearblossom where it was nearly 100° F , just before we hit the freeway the new battery in his Suzuki 400 CC Super Motard died so we had to go get my trusty old Chevrolet 6 cylinder truck and rescue his Moto then I passed out on his sofa a few hours . Life , she's pretty damn good .