its hard to work on my truck when it is a whopping 3 degrees here in cincinnati ohio. I wish i lived in florida, the truck might be done haha ________ HOT BOX VAPORIZERS
It can't be cold cause.... we are experiencing global warming! At least that is what certian politicians and their scientists say. It is 25 F here today and I am chilled to the bone. Hang in there, it will be 90 F in a few short months. Gater
Yep these temperatures seem to fly in the face of the global warming theory,but global warming will cause all manner of weather disruptions including hurricanes,increased tornados and freezing temperatures. BTW kyle,its 0 degrees just 60 miles north of you.
where are you located?, on a side note it has made it up to 9 degrees, 10 degrees is the high for the day so not much more progess to be made ________ Vapormatic
I'm in Greenfield,not far from Hillsboro. Actually you can take 28 out of Milford straight to Greenfield.
i was wondering, i am in middletown, in between cinci and dayton. we should meet up when the cruise ins come back to steak and shake in milford in the warmer months ________ XC125
Well global warming sure has arrived this side of the Atlantic. This winter so far has been way, way warmer than anything I've known before. Evidently the warmest January here since 1916. Pushing the average temperature up by 3.3C to 6.7C (~47F). The weather people seem to classify this in the 'exceptionally above average' category. All in all, it's good by me.
Global Warming HaH I've heard about the global warming stuff till i'm sick of it. Look foward to a global warming TAX. It's gotta be headed there, if the politicians are all jumping on the band wagon, there's gotta be money in it some where. Here in sunny East Texas we are hearing that it has been colder than the average. It was 21 yesterday morning and 75 here right now. YEP, the globe warmed up, imagine that, the sun came out and did it's job. Maybe we should tax the sorry old sun for warming things up... I thought that's what it was supposed to do. BTW, according to the records the warming trend is up nearly 1 degree over the past 100 years. Records are also supposed to indicate that since records have been kept, it is now 1 degree colder on average over the past few hundred years. Now it has also been proven that the weather cycle is about 7 years. So next year watch out... We will be having global FREEZING That's my 1/2 cent worth TB'sD --- now I got to go work on the Boops ride in this extreeeeeem heat wave
boo hoo i really feel for you guys it -5 F up here in Canada and that makes it perfect weather for working on the truck! i just need more time to do it.
Global warming. Rent Al Gore's video "An Inconvenient Truth". It will open lots of eyes. A very smart man. Too bad the village idiot from Texas is in D.C. (Not saying anything bad about Texas, mind you, just the guy FROM there who is now in D.C.) Andy
Andy, I'm afraid you got your idiots backwards. The worse of it is that old Al hails from Tennessee. Gator
Global War? UH OH, Looks like we hit on a TOUCHY spot here This is not a political arena, nor the place to hash out political differences or opinions BUT, IF people believe old Al, I got a few spark plugs for diesel trucks to sell to them. Just a tiny, and I mean tiny amount of factual reserch will prove old Al wrote his book and made his statments based on research by conspiricy theorist like him. Ooops, I'm ranting again, better stop now becasue even though I have researched his THEORIES, I'm not an expert He did make some money, and aint that what it's all about? ' TB'sD
Hey guys, I am bowing out on this one. Just cause the country is politically divided doesn't mean this forum has to be. This is our escape from that stuff. Gater
10-4 I think we are ALL smart enough to know that we can't continue to put all the crap in the air that we breath forever- right? (Or the junk we put in our non-renewable water source.) I love warm weather as much as the next guy, but I do want to make sure we have a planet left for our little ones. It's nice to know that A leader from Texas is trying to do SOMETHING right...
Outa Here I'm outa this one to,,, Sometimes politics don't make good friends. And you fellows are good friends. We can all agree on that. Hopefully we'll all be friends as long as the planet lasts TB'sD
Hey Kyle,I've been wanting to hit the Milford Cruise for ages,but it seems every %$@!^%&%! Saturday they have em,I have to work,sheeeeeeesh! Hopefully I'll get one off this summer.
So really! Ken, (Big Bro.) and others- keep surfin' the net to see what we can do to keep our drive lines up to the stuff they will face in the future. You know we won't be able to run our gas engines forever, so we not only need to be lovers of the AD, but we have to stay on top of all our options to keep these things rollin' as well.
I used to heat the house I live in with a wood stove. Then I got married. After a wile I built the male domain called the garage. So she says to me "Honny, Will you get that nasty stove out of this house. It is so dirty." So the story has a happy ending except for one thing. "Honny, why do you spend so much time in that garage?"
federale, theyre on friday nights, im not sure where anything happens on saturdays. Also people were starting to go to the BW3's by the milford movie theatre on weds nights as well but dont know if thatll keep going on ________ Property Insurance Forum