I replaced toeboards on both sides. Now when I try to bolt in my innerfender brace, drivers side my original top bolt holes don't line up (see pics). I am afraid to drill new holes for fear the front sheetmetal won't fit right. Any suggestions? http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2732446100099708909CBtUxk http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2953535650099708909DqSwTy
wow that sucks. it looks like one of two things. 1. the cab has sagged during reconstruction. 2. you simply mounted the toeboard at the wrong height. what i would do is redrill the holes in the toeboard and measure the dintance from old to new then redrill the holes in your inner fenders with the new measurements. im not even sure if i understand that! anyways i hope this helps- Robert
Not much help! After looking at your web shots, I can't see why you replaced the toe board? I need to replace the lower part of mine but it is much worse than I see on yours. Was the new one a little oversize for trimming? Looks like you did a great job getting it in there. Heck, now I need to go look for that brace and see if I'm going to have the same problem. Rick
With the mount mounted at the bottom, everything should line up with it. Just re drill the holes. Some of the patch panels aren't quite as accurate as one might hope....