Another question guys.. I have the ole ignition for the 52 gmc and no KEY. I purchased new ignition lock cylinder from our host with matching door and glove box locks have installed all but the one for the ignition. I don't know how to get the lock cylinder out with out the ole key. All instructions I can find say insert key and turn clockwise and push something in the little hole and pull and cylinder will come out. I have no old key that's why I bought new cylinder. Can anyone help me?? TKS
Use a drill bit and drill out the center of the cylinder. start with a small bit and work up to the largest size until it comes apart. just don't use too big of a bit as it will destroy the housing. Then again, I'm not an expert.
Key number If you need a key...... Look for a stamped number on the lock. My glove box lock had the same number. Gave that number to a locksmith & he cut a new key. Put the key in, paper clip in hole, turned, & cylinder came right out.
The EASY Way....... Is to take the old ign. switch to the thrift store , swap meet etc. and just try the dozens of various old GM keys there until you find one that fits and works the lock then buy that key and copy it.... Most sellers are overjoyed to sell you a key for $1 as no one ever wants them .
At the risk of opening up another can of worms.... This is where the master key ring comes in handy...
I get that The master key would be great but not very cost effective for one truck. My sister lives close to a lock smith so sent it with her to see if he can help me at a reasonable rate. So I am keeping my fingers crossed for good news.
Hey there Rusty Dog If I can't get the lock smith at a reasonable price then drilling it out is the next choice.
Stop ! Don't let a Lock Smith drill it out ! they'll ruin the lock , I had one ruined this way after it took me years to find the correct switch and lock cylinder . Instead , take him the glove box or passenger side door lock cylinder , both have the code # stamped on them..... no drilling is ever necessary . As you're struggling with the brakes yet , I don't see why you don't take the time to go to some Thrift / Junk / Antique stores and try the old key trick.... Have patience grasshopper .
Thanks Nate I wasn't going to let him drill it out but to see if he could make a key for it. If that don't work then guess I have no choice but to go on a search. You C the prob is I need to be able to move it in and out of the garage (not pushing it) but (running) WHY ??? Because I can't get my motorcycles out and go for a ride. I bought the new lock cylinders because I had no keys not knowing I had to have the key to change the cylinders... OH MY Patience
Assuming the ignition cylinder AND the door cylinder match (BIG assumption on a 60+ year old truck), take the door cylinder to a locksmith. Much easier to work with. Doesn't require drilling out.
I was gonna say that drilling out the lock was a crazy idea But..... Just go ahead & take the whole switch to a locksmith. They can "rake" the cylinder without a key & get the old cylinder out & I bet they can do it while you wait.
New Keys I hope it works out O.K. ~ I had a ' locksmith ' drill out and ruin a cherry ignition lock it took me some time to find.... AFTER I'd told him not to drill or damage it , just unlock it then make me a new key.... So few Tradesmen care about doing good works anymore .
Well got it back and no holes in it just like it was when I dropped it off only now I have a Key and only 23.00 you might say I am HAP A HAP A HAP A