I have been googling on a website with some Chevrolet 3100 info. Old ads, what paint/colors they came in, interior, options etc. Havent found much! Anyone who know a good website/page?
Martin, Here are links to 3 of my favorite sites. There's a wealth of information contained in them. http://chevy.oldcarmanualproject.com http://53truck.ez15loan.com/index.htm http://www.1954advance-design.com/ Enjoy, Ken
Thanks! Those pages was exactly what I looked for. Gr8! Was the color "Autumm Brown" available 1948-1949 btw?
"Autumn Brown", according to the info I've got, was a '53-54 optional paint color. Chevy offered 2 brownish colors in '48-49. They were "cream medium" and "sun beige" both of which were a lot lighter than the autumn brown. With that said, we've always had a saying on this forum and it goes like this: "You're paying the bills, so you can do whatever makes you happy!" If you like autumn brown, get some and go for it! Sun beige was my second choice if I hadn't fallen madly in love with Cape maroon for mine!