i am having problems getting the right timing on my 235.i know the procedger intake valve opens closes piston top ded center on the 1 cilynder mark on flywheel line up with indicater above starter.i pulled the plugs out so it turns ezer by tapping starter can be dun this tapping starter .other engines in past i hand crank it it was ezer.is there away to hand crank it.1/2 ton 1948. thanks
Since you have the plugs out tap the starter to get it close and then put it in high gear. You can then move it a little bit, either forward or back, by rocking the truck forward or back. A level spot helps here and don't forget to pop it back into neutral when it's on the mark.
Setting The Engine I take the spark plugs out then turn the fan with minor pressure on the fan belt.... Did you look under the seat in amongst all the old papers , squashed waxed cardboard oil cans , dented brake fluid cans & mouse poo ? there was a hand crank in there when new....