I now have front discs and now the original wheels are rubbing on the caliper and it looks like it is going to take a half inch spacer to clear them. I dont think thats the right answere I bought new firestones 6.50 16 inch tires a year ago Should i keep them or should i sell them and do something else. Any input would be appriciated.
backset? Hey Ron, could you measure what the distance is from the back side of the wheel (the part that meets with the face of the hub) and the back edge of the wheel you are using? I'd like to check mine and see if my original wheels have this same offset. Thanks! Paul
It is rubbing with 16s? Wow you must have gotten the big brake kit. See what is rubbing on the caliper, some careful grinding......I mean clearancing...may be able to help. If you need spacers, lugnut king sells some nice aluminum ones.
Spacers I found some spacers they are 1 inch wide And they clear nicely hope there ok they are the kind you bolt to existing hub same as the wheel 6 lug then then 6 lug to wheel. hope its safe and 1 inch out is ok as far as looks. thank for your input guys
If you have time... I'm really curious to know what the back offset is on your wheels, because I want to do the disc swap, but I'm not sure I want to use spacers. (Especially since these kits don't say to use them, or that they will be needed.) Thanks for your help with this if you can. I'm sure others are curious about this as well.
backset zig the backset is 3 inches but i noticed that i have one wheel is slightly different It is very slight its the way there shaped on the inside of the wheel I didnt notice till now measuring it but they both rub on the caliper I tried half inch spacers they still rubbed so here i am with 1 inch spacers do you think theyl be ok .
Welllll~ I finally got to measuring my backset (or offset~ whatever) and mine are 3 1/2 inches. So I'd still need at least 1/2 inch spacers. As far as 1" spacers~ I figured Russ would have an idea as whether those would work okay or not. That really stinks. I was hoping that you could just slap those wheels on there and sit back and beam.
One other thing... How can our host say, "May not work with original wheels." They didn't try these out before selling them? They include spacers in the kit, but they don't look like 1", which is what they would have found it they checked it out.
wheels Zig 3 1\2 might work my wheels could be different than yours I think the shape of the rim where the caliper hits makes a difference My wheels are both different in the frot butt pretty close I have it looks like a little less than a half inch clearence now. remenber that i tried half inch spacer and it still rubbed so i went to 1 inch because thats what the guy had.
Anyone else? Anyone install 6 lug disc brakes and was able to put the "original" 16 inch wheels back on without spacers? (Evan?)
Tire Question Yes ; You should sell those bias ply maypops right away and get some LT radials in the correct size , wide white walls of course ! .