About 2 this afternoon we got back from taking a 6ft box scraper to the property in Az.. Had to pick it up Friday night in Phelan, Ca. and then onto Az. The trip was great, the Chevy just purred so nice. The Guy I bought the scrapper from could not believe how smooth the 235 ran, thought it was so great I trusted it to drive that far. Coming back I keep it up at driving speed most of the way, did pss off some when I was in the carpool lane from Rialto to Pasadena , Forgot my sign for the back window that states;" horn broken driver will use finger." We put about 1000 miles on it this weekend getting the scraper there and doing some running into town for parts for tractors and the fifth wheel travel trailer. Just need to get a radio put into it so the traffic news and music can play along with all the rattles.
That has to be a lot of fun! I haven't gone any farther then a 50 mile trip in my truck yet. But I would love to take a trip south a few hundred miles and see a certain GMC owner in Pitt. Glad to hear you had a great time Charles!!!
I got back yesterday from a 4 hour drive one way to Myrtle beach for the Run to the Sun show. Ran great the whole way. Ya gotta drive 'em.
The 51 of course. Ran out avbbout 1/4 tank of gas with the flamethrowers at the big cruise on thurs. night.
I'll Be In Hot-A-Zona In April 9th . I'll be driving my 1959 Metropolitan Nash FHC , it should be fun . Death Valley this weekend .
OUr usual shennanigans at the Run To The Sun..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sSW6BDoGrg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUlCjVQO35o Workin it... Burnin it...
Russ knows how to have fun! So does Charles! I long for the days when I will be rolling down the road like you, Charles. Keep on truckin', baby! Russ~ ever thought of using one of those rollable stools like they make for gardening? You could put you stuff inside it and roll along the bottom edge of the car with ease. Cool night shot of the "flame throwers"!
Thanks Paul, Driving my work in progress is so much fun, most all the good folks I met and talk to about it are just the greatest. The good thing about driving a truck that is not fresh with paint is dents dings and the such are not a killer. Last weekend when I pulled the 6 ft Box Scraper out of the bed it caught on the tailgate and put a curve in it so it would not close. But by taking the 10lb sledge and a 2x4 and three good swings at it straightened right up and now works better than it did before. I'm wanting to take it into New Mexico then into Texas via interstate 10 to see some property around the Ft Hancock, Hudspeth County area, after that someday I'll take her to Oklahoma. Wish Russ was close so I could have him do a little pin stripping and door signage for me.
Striping I need some striping and stuff done on my Metropolitan Nash and one of my old Mercedes Coupes... Wish I was there .
To me to see guys like you do that kind of work is just amazing. Its like im completly missing that part of my brain. Love it!!!
I love it! That's why I'm painting my truck myself. You never know what might go in the bed of a work truck, so no need to get carried away, right? I know some of you would think a 10 pound sledge would improve the looks of a GMC, but we all know that's just crazy talk!
' Crazy Talk ' Right ! EVERYONE knows there's no way to make a GMC look as good as a CHEVROLET ! . (sayeth the man with the worst case of long Motor envy you'll ever meet ) At least it's not a Brand 'F ' ! .
Other half Yesterday I Knew when my other half got up and had a certain look about her and said she couldn't wait for me to decide what I wanted for breakfast, the day was going to be a duzzzy. So when she went to the store to get a stapler for her TV chairs drapery. I figured for me it would be nice to just go on a drive. So I gassed up the Chevy went to the tire shop to get the tires Air'd up and off I went. Left a note; I was off to get the Chevy washed ! Spent the whole time on the freeway and fast moving hiways. 4 hours , two out and two back and she was still in the same condition as when I left. Two hours out is only for me to Banning and back depending on the traffic, was tempted to just keep on truckin, but turned around and came back a little slower. This trip did get me to look at the bottom of the battery box cover and see it is missing the parts to make it close and not tap up and down all the time. Now have to see if I can fin the parts or buy a repop. Was a good trip no matter why I had to do it for.
Good for you, Charles! You lucky dog... Sounds like the perfect thing to do on a nice day like today!