I have a 1955 big window cab pick-up. It was my uncles and I used to play in it as a young boy. About 7 years ago we attempted restoring it. Once upon a time it was four wheel drive than later was put on a 1972 monte carlo frame for better drivability. We attempted to once again make it a 4x4 by making a custom frame from a 1977 chevy 4x4. Now I am older an wiser and am again turning my attention towards restoration of this childhood memory, that being said my previous frame idea is JUNK! I would like to use the factory frame, which I still have. I also have the front and rear axles and tranfer case out of the 77 chevy that are still in good shape. Does any body know how possible it is to merge these parts? If any one has any Idea please let me know. My biggest concern is simply getting the axles mouted to the leaf springs. Will a lift for a 77 fit the 55 spring pearches??? I haven't started this new endeavor yet and am just curious what I have in store for me.