It Never Ends

Discussion in '1973-1987' started by vwnate1, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Back to tinkering on my '76 Jimmy C-2500 to-day , I decided to flush the cooling system and replace the heater hoses as I think they're the originals , I hand flushed the heater core forward & reverse a few times , got a lot of rusty silt out of it and the block too when I removed the block's drain plug .

    I also looked closely at the temp. gauge sender as the gauge doesn't work and Lo ! the DPO / DPM had replaced it with a sender for an idiot light :mad: no wonder it never worked , even after I replaced the wiring .

    Sheesh .

    Of course , they'd wound it so far into the cylinder head , I couldn't get it loose with an open end wrench and had to go buy a new 15/16" box wrench I'll prolly never use again :rolleyes: .

    I also discovered they'd managed to break the distributor hold down ~ that's a new one on me . I think some one rather enjoyed beating on this poor old truck just to see how much abuse it would take and still run .

    Whilst I was working on it , the guy on the other side of the block came by with his trailer , he was going to fetch a $100 1976 Suburban , one owner with all the original seats etc. , he offered it to me , I didn't want it so he took it right from the original owner's house to Pick-A-Part , maybe I'll get lucky and find it in the yard before the boobs tear it to shreds for grins ~ I'd love to grab some '76 specific stuff , harness' and so on .

    What a shame that no one wants these fine old trucks even when they're in good shape , no rust , one owner , low mileage etc. , etc.
  2. Brott

    Brott Member

    Feb 19, 2010
    its a never ending story

    i hear ya, it drives me nuts and makes ya wanna buy em all
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Buyem All !

    When I were a laddie in Rural New England , most farmers had twenty or more old cars & trucks scattered about the fields, some were really nice like the Graham my brother bought for $600 , the farmer had bought it new for his long deceased wife .

    I gave up trying to save them all only recently .

    To day I yanked out the seat and cleaned the cab floor of old spilled coffee and God knows what else , installed some original padding I scored @ P-A-P and a red carpet I got out of a Suburban ~ turns out the floor shift trucks need a 1" _wider_ carpet so now there's a gap on the passenger's side .

    it's *much* quieter though and hopefully I'll have the radio in ere long .

    I'm hoping to build a new dash binnacle using Suburban gauges complete , maybe before I drive it to Az. next week , maybe not .

    They're not really important , I just like having everything working .

    I flushed all the crap out of the cooling system including some hard to get heater debris , neutralized the water jacket and changed the hoses , re-filled with new coolant and the heater now blows nice & hot instead of warm .

    Back to work to-morrow, g'night all .

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