My 228 came back to life today! All I have to do is find out why oil is coming up and out from around the top of the canister. Other than that~ what a sweet sound! No other leaks so far, and (obviously) good oil pressure. Just had to share... Thanks for all your input to have gotten me this far!
Wheeeee ! I hope that nice red paint didn't get damaged... Soon it'll Road Time , we expect VIDEO with SOUND .
Well~ Not really... School starts soon, so things will be in slow motion, as far as the truck goes. Two major(ish) projects left. Brakes and installing new ass end. Well, I still have to paint the fenders, hood, find a bed and paint it, and then install bedwood. Other than that~ I'm almost there! I will try my best to do a short video clip! I love the way Russ stuck one in amongst his pictures.
Honestly, just bite the bullet and buy a Mar K bed. I bought one for the 53 and it is WELL worth it. It would have taken more than the $400 per side to get the old bed in good enough shape. While at it, get their bed wood kit also.
Bullet I agree with ol' chebby with the bite the bullet but from there onwards we disagree, i would load that bullt an shoot the G*C and go an buy a Chevy
The MAIN Thing Is ; To remember Paulie : YOU DID IT ! . Like I always say : it's simple , just keep slogging along , one foot in front of t'other and one day it'll run and you'll be happy .
I thought I heard a smooth running looonnnnggg motor turning from the south!!! Way to go Paul! About the oil filter, could be a plugged line, or a simple gasket missing! Can't wait to go for a cruise with you! Way to go on your progress. keep it up!
Paul, Great job getting the G, running, now get it so you can truck on down the road, congrats to you.
I don't think you have to worry about me beating you to the road, Robert. I still have a bunch to do, but my main concern was getting that 228 back on line. Got the valves adjusted, fired it back up and maaaaaaannnnnn that thing sounds SO sweet! It even fired right back up after I let it cool down. It _NEVER_ did that before! Thanks, all!