Great weekend. My $100 Craig's List 235, with eBay exhaust manifold and double action fuel pump fired up and ran sweetly...the only hic-up being the coolant leaking out of the the fresh air heater control valve. I still have a few things to do before I can hit the road: make up a new accelerator linkage, tune up the 3 on the tree linkage, oh yeah, and complete the wiring . I'm going in for some carpel tunnel surgery next week, so it will likely be spring with the snow off the roads before I can go for a real test drive, but it sure is great to know that the engine sounds like a keeper, and I can button things back up. Thanks again ya'll for your advice, coaching and encouragement. Larry
Congratulations! Good luck with the surgery. When you get ready for that test run, come on over to Missoula! Glenn
Ranco Valve (heater valve) Larry ; Do you feel up to replacing the leaky rubber diphragm in the Ranco valve ? . It involved delicate work and un bending the four steel tabs just enough to get it apart , if the tabs break off , you can Silver Solder it back to-gether , I can get you the NAPA repair kit P/N as it surfaced on my kitchen table recently... Co$t is $6.00 each . Good luck with the surgery , remember : absolutely NO using your hand until it's healed ! my dufus son popped his surgeryopen and it looks bad , I'm pretty sure he's just crippled himself for life Carpal Tunnel and t's surgical repair , is a very serious thing , don't muck about with it .
D'oh Homer moment there, i read your post as 'carpet tunnel surgery' thought it was a yank way of saying you were gonna cut and fit new carpet round the.... ok ok, im stupid, i know. Good luck with the surgery, hope alls well
Part number please You bet Nate, I'm up to it. If I can get the diaphragm before the 19th I will get 'r done. If later than that, it will be in November or later this year. I hear you about the surgery. I'm going to be down for a good six weeks. I definately want to be using these paws many more years and am planning on taking a long vacation from the project. SHMBO is looking forward to getting more of "her" attention
Ranco Valve Kit # Keep after me , O.K. ? i had a car failure to-night and completely forgot about it as I passed through my kitchen.... Sorry but I will get it , just keep needling me please . -Nate
Ranco Heater Valve Kit P/N O.K. , sorry this took so long, I've been fighting old car gremlins and a head cold to boot . Anyways : here it is : NAPA Balkamp # 660-1000 Kit - Servo Repair, used to cost $6.00 . and it includes some really porly copied instructions , hard to read but basically : look at the valve and you'll see there's some bent over metal tabs holding it all to-gether , unbend the tabs just enough to wiggle it apart (they break off easily) , once it's apart you'll see the round bit with the pinsticking through , the rubber seal is behine this but it's DELICATE ! really delicate so DON'T go trying to lever it apart with a screwdriver ~ that's how I runined one . If you break off a tab , don't panic ! you can siver solder it back to - gether after you're replaced the rubber diaphragm . Also , the little bent to heck wire , is filled with Ether so don't cut nor bend it , leave the kinks in it as once opened , the tube is junk and the valve stops working ~ the tip of the wire is ever so gently slid into the middle of the heater core and tells the valve to open or close as needed to provide equal heat output regardless of engine and coolant temps ~ these valves were used on AD and TF trucks plus some Caddies and Lincolns and millions upon millions of Rambklers and orher AMC products under the name " Weather Eye" so you can get a Ranco Valve from that rusted out '64 Rambler Station Wagon and retro fit it to your Hot Rod or whatever... I hope this helps ? .
You're the man! Nate, I dropped into the local NAPA and picked up the quarter size piece o rubber for $10.33 + tax I asked the counterman if they were charging 60 years rent, since the box looked about that old and had been previously opened. Still way less than brand new or rebuilding at $50. Thanks again for your help. Whoa - wait one minute. I was just reading the instructions that accompanied my nice new rubber, and it is for Ranco valve that the plumbing looks like a "Y" 2 pipes out of the firewall pointing forward, mine looks like a "F" with 2 pipes pointing to the right side. Any idea whether or not this diaphragm will work for my valve? Thanks, Larry
Ranco Heater Valves Hi Larry ; yes , they're all the same internally ~ remember I mentioned how many different vehicles use it... Work slowly and carefully , you'll love how it works once it's finished , prolly a good idea to put some Silicone grease on the spindle where it passes through the middle of the rubber .
What FUN!!! I bet you're feeling mighty proud! Rightly so! Just wait 'till you can slide that clutch out and roll out of the garage for real, huh?! Thanks for posting that! Much better than a photo!