I was driving down the 210 freeway today and I was admiring this beatifull car and to my surprise it was good old jay leno on one of his famouse sunday drives. this is the second time i spotted him on the freeway in So. Calif. Not sure what kind of car he was driving.
She's a Duesey! Not sure what year, but it's an early '30's Duesenberg. That had to have been cool to see that car on the road! Thanks for sharing.
And , It's a Limousine to boot ! sweet . Once , I was in Monrovia carrying a gallon of gas to my bone dry Metropolitan (oops) and he pulled up to the stop light in some open Stutz....... I used to see him getting on the 170 in No. Ho. all the time as his garage was near my old shop on Sherman Way . He's a very pleasant guy ~ I always try to give celebrities a wide berth but he came up to a Vintage Japanese Motocycle Club display iof Tiddlers once and stopped to look at my old beater I'd ridden 30 miles to the meet on and wanted to talk abiout how when we were kids everyone just rode tiny Japanese Motos and now they're all " too rare " to be ridden.... He , like me , thinks that's elitist B.S. , he rides his 1937 Brit Bike anywhere he wants , no worries .
his shop and staff are amazing I saw a tv program that featured Jay Leno and his auto shop. He knows a lot, but he has the means to hire staff that are truly amazing. Of course he makes a ton of money, but i am glad auto restoration (and driving) are his hobby. I just wish i could take my truck through his garage and mechanics for some touch-ups! (now that is funny! )