and found this, I believe it has been here before however it is a good trip to take.
No lie! Reminds me of Ken's truck. Too bad they don't show the finished product. I would doubt that they left those wheels and tires on it. Thanks, Charels~ good show!
Wowie - Zowie ! They rebuilt it SO Well , it gained TWO years ! . I see Job # 850 began as a 1948 3100 and finished up as a 1950..... . I'd love to do something like this to my '49 , sadly it'll never happen in my lifetime .
Lotto Winner ! FWIW , last week as I came out of the junkyard filthy greasy , hot & tired , I stopped @ 7-11 for a slurpee and decided to check my old Lotto ticket , it came in a winner ! a whole $1.00 so I began hollering and hopping 'round the Barrio store there , everyone but my brother & the clerk was amazed , I traded it in for a bag of Fritos.... Should I win The Lotto , you can bet I'd NOT be buying something like that , I'd drive straightaway to Even's shop and sit down & draw up a detailed overhaul list , I have lotsa parts in storage I'd like installed and cracks need welding up etc. , no new bed for MY '49 , no sirree . Ah , dreams , they're great .
The Guild workshop Thank you for sharing this. Work of industrial art , no a work of passion and pacients are the right words . Amazing what they actually manage to create with there hands. is this an older traditional famely buisnes ? I can se the have restored an Evindrud outboard boat engine to. I have a friend here in Norway Minnesund Auto Service by owner John S. Braaten whom is working the same way on a less larger scale but although. It must cost a fortune to restore such a spesial cars ? But it is offcourse the land of honey and sugar where "the dream" still lives" in its fully performence. I would really like to work in such a buisnes fore some years , but it demands that one has good skils and i am not shore i have these , you must not be afraid of getting shit on your hands and know how to handle stress. Time use and money use are factors allways included when the boss has to deliver a product in time right? A short story about lottery winning; The wife ones wone in the horse lottery here in Norway.She whas following the races on tv and one after another horsey came in as number one crossing the finishing line. After the 7 th. race she yelled of great joy and yumped in the air , streched here arms wide out while falling back on an old chair that broke down, sitting on the floor with a sad face she mumbled; the 1 st. premium is 36 norwegian crowns and it is not anough to repair the chair fore. And we had a good laughter after that. Life is full of surprizes not ? By the way. Did you know that the inventor Ole Evinrud known fore his splended outboard engines whas born about 30 km from my hometown ? Attach web link ; Martinius.
Nate, I also noticed it's one of those rare 48's with an in cab gas tank, door weatherstrip channels instead of screw strips, and no center screw spot for the headliner retainer. They made a few changes during the year in 49, do you know if yours is an early or later one? If they're going for high points the 235 will drop a few but it's what I'd do.
Re:48/50 What a sweet resurrection of a beat down truck. Sure wish I had the green stamps to lay out for that kind of restoration.
Back to the Future Nate - too funny. I noticed this too. Maybe they installed on of those new fangled time machines..... Actually, mine came to me as a '52 according to the paperwork on the title. However, once i took a closer look it was actually missing a letter from the vin AND the frame sequence number put it coming off the assembly line in '53. Maybe something similar happened to this truck....
Evan My '49 is mostly an early year model , some later parts in the cab's jig work ~ I dunno if this is because it was built in Oakland , Ca. or maybe they here smoking pot way back then ? (' Vipers ') .
It's funny that everyone of the trucks from this body style is a 48. most of the ones they feature in magazines are 48s too. I don't think they made them any other year.,.,.,., That truck is a 1950 model with the vent in front of the drivers door and tube shocks give it away.