Hi,I'm new here.I live in Germany,own a '66 chevrolet short fleetside big window/custom cab/v8,4 speed and a '62 GMC long fleetside with the 305 V6.Both trucks need restoration work done(and parts too).Have been reading in the forum for some time now-thought I should sign up and be a part of it.
Yes,the beer is VERY good ! Thanks for the welcome-I will enjoy the tips and advice I get here.Maybe I can find some parts in the forum to get my GMC on the road.Almost no parts over here for the 305 V6.Does someone have Shift rods (3 speed manual/column shift ) for my '62 ?
Check with a guy named colettesbo under truck parts for sale hes got some good parts and hes really reasonable with the prices.
The car is a '55 Cadillac (4 drsdn).Yes its mine-needs resto(like most of my cars).It seems to smile-great front view.I'm a big american car fan-they do not build them anymore like they used to.The look of the '50's and '60's cars will never come back.No matter how 'Retro' the car makers will go.So keep your classics!!To all of you: excuse my english...
Love them Dagmar's !! In case Dagmar's are not a houshold name in Germany,, here is a rough explaination- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dagmar_bumpers Val
Wilkommen Alte Autos und Fahrräder, ich komme aus Belgien. (greatings Oldcarsnbikes i am from Belgium) The only thing that i know from Frankfurt are the "Frankfurter wursten"(sausages) they sell them over here in the supermarket,they are great with some mustard.Is it a speciality in your city ? Yeah great forum here,i don't know these guys like in the real world but they are fantastic!!!!! They helped me out several times. Nice Dagmar bumpers on these cars,i like them also like that.The Dagmar i know has "lowered" ones
hello to you too-no ,Frankfurter Wurst is no specialty of my region.Its like Hamburgers-I heard they sell them in the USA also: Btw,what kinda pick up do you have?
welcome to the club. what kind of parts do u need for your 305civ6? i have a complet one in my parts pickup and she runs. as far as a colum shifter i have most of one but its out of a 54 chevy 210 car i dont know if it will work or not thow.
ich habe ein......ooo sorry I've got a C-10 from 1964 imported from the USA(San Jose),shipped in at the Netherlands (Rotterdam) and bought and collect him in Germany(Wuppertal) and now he is in Belgium(Mechelen). What a story. The hamburger thing great ! For you guys that don't understand the joke... Hamburg is also a city in Germany and the citizens are called......o yeah....Hamburgers
to 64shortbed:thankx for the welcome-I'm looking for tune up parts(points/condenser,dist.cap,valvecover gaskets,carb kit and all stuff you will have to renew when you open the hood and everything in there looks older than yourself.Would like to get a engine gasket set and new radiator hoses also.I do not like the universal style,because they fit everywhere(-not properly)The 305 V6 seems not very popular,everybody swap them out in favor for a V8.How come?When you read about the engine,its the 'indestructible,dependable, trusty ,solid.... V6 )