Just wrote a check to Uncle Sam today!

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Kens 50 PU, Apr 13, 2007.

  1. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    With tears in my eyes, I made it in the amount of $1719. I got to thinking-What could I have bought with that money in 1950, when my truck was new? Well, I put a pencil to it and here's what I came up with:

    1950 Chevy 1/2 pickup truck $1243.00
    The following accessories:
    Condenser-Radiator-Overview 2.95
    Filter-Unit-Gasoline (12 filters) 23.40
    Guards-Bumper-Truck Pair 6.50
    Guard-Grille-light truck 21.50
    Heater and defroster-Air Flow-Truck 58.00
    Horns-Matched-Truck 13.95
    Lighter-Cigarette-Illuminated 2.75
    Ornament-Hood-Truck 7.00
    Plate-Running Board Safety tread 7.50
    Radio Unit-Truck and Cowl Antenna 74.50
    Rest-Arm-Door-Truck 3.50
    Ring-Trim-15" wheel-Set (5) 9.95
    Tool Kit-w/bag 2.50
    Visor-RH Sun-Truck 3.00
    Washer-Windshield-Truck 6.25
    Filter-Oil 10.00

    Total 1496.25

    With the remaining $223, I could buy 771 gallons of gas.

    Somehow I feel violated:(
  2. sloromon

    sloromon Member

    Oct 9, 2006
    Phoenix, AZ

    somebody's got a lot of time on their hands... well, maybe someday we'll be able to travel back in time, but then the value of the old trucks would turn to $hite and we'd all be pissed because we put so much money into them when all we had to do was go back in time and enjoy them brand new. ahh, the time travel paradox! :D

  3. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Don't Get Me Started!

    I just spent $$$ on a trans rebuild on my Jeep, and $350 on new external oil lines on my Blazer. (After spending $750 on finding a short in the wiring harness...) Let's see... add that all together, and I've paid for all I want to do to my truck INCLUDING all my beloved cans that rattle...;) I might even have enough left over for a box of wine!:D
  4. Kevin's 48

    Kevin's 48 Member

    Aug 7, 2006
    $750 on a short. How much was the labor rate and was the guy a crook or an idiot. Our rate is $95 so that would be roughly 7.5 hours to find a short. At most I only charge 3-4 depends on the car and how hard it was to find.

    I agree $1700 is steep especially when giving it to uncle sam. I don't mind paying that for truck parts but paying it for no good reason, THAT SUCKS!!! The sad thing is that still is only half the cost of my air suspension. Oh well you make more money every day so gotta spend it on something.
  5. Kevin's 48

    Kevin's 48 Member

    Aug 7, 2006
    Oh yeah almost forgot. Speaking of spending a bunch of money. I saw our most expensive car pull off of the truck tonight and is waiting on my to do the pre-delivery check on it tommorrow. It is a BMW 750 Alpina B7. It is a 500hp luxury sport sedan costing a mere $185000 dollars. You know how many car parts you could buy for that. Just thought I'd share with you guys.
  6. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Hey Kevin, answer me this!

    Coming home from beautiful downtown Houston yesterday, I saw a Beemer that i've never seen before. Looked like an oldie. The trunk lid had 3.0 CS on it. 2 door. What was is and how much is it worth because there was a sign in the window-for sale call...!
  7. Kevin's 48

    Kevin's 48 Member

    Aug 7, 2006
    It depends on what year it is, what model it is, how good of shape, mileage, etc. Usually old beemers are money pits and usually not worth anything when you're done with them. The newer ones still hold value really well, but once out of warranty then they can be money pits too. The 3.0 means it was a 3.0 litre engine and the C means it's a coupe and the S means it is a sport package car. Most likely a 3 series. See what he wants for it and all other details and I'll let you know about what it's worth and what to look for as far as trouble spots.
  8. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    The short was in the main harness inside the dash. The guy had to completely remove the dash to get to the harness. I've said before- I can wire a house, but something about auto stuff kinda makes my shorts creep up my
    anyway- it's like external oil cooling lines that some wizard decided to make a mixture of metal and rubber- "Course it HAS to have SOME rubber- without that ,they wouldn't be able to get that ass. up where no one can get to it, right? The worst wiring problem I have to look forward to is replacing a bulb in my dash!

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