I am in the process of replacing my king pins for my half ton pickup acording to the shop manuel it states" bushings used all half ton vehicles are the floating type and when replaced in service either standard or .010" oversize they need not be reamed to size as all service bushings are the machined to finished dimensions. My new bushings go in real easy but when removing them we pressed them out. does that sound right has any body had the same situation.
Since they go in easy why don't you assemble one side. It won't be necessary to put in the tapered lock pin, king pin caps, or hook up any steering but you will need to put on one hub, tire, and wheel. Adjust the wheel bearing up snug and then with one hand on top and the other on the bottom of the tire see if there is any king pin play. If there is it's got to be in the new king pin kit and if not--put the other side together and boogy.
i just replaced mine last week. same thing the bushings had to be pushed out.. new one went in spindal REALLY easy.. easier that i thought they should. once i put in both busings, and the king pin.. it all firmed up.. and is nice and tight now.. no slop. no king pin wabble any more.. nice.. so yours sounds like it is going together like mine did..
This is the very definition of " Floating " King Pin Bushings.... You should be fine , I like Evan's advice .