Well I got my kingpin kit for my 1/2 ton and the thrust bearings look and feel cheap. I figured imported but the vendor says it's made in the USA - go figure. One drags and feels rough. I callled the vendor and they offered no real help. I asked if there was a source for just the bearings figuring I could get a replacement and they mentioned performance chevrolet but I never heard of them and they didn't offer any other info. By that time I was frustrated and gave up on the call. In that the bearings came dry and not in a sealed packaged for a lubricated bearing like I expected should I pack these bearings before installing them. I'm not sure how they get greased as they are outside of the kingpin bearings. I read the manual and it doesn't say anthing other than install them and check for .005 clearance at the axle. Your kind assistance would be greatly appreciated. Any other tips would help too - this is my first king pin job.
Okay I got it! I found it in another post just a minute ago even though I searched for it before I posted. Duh!!! Of course you grease them stupid!...
King pin clearance okay. the next issue with this king pin job. The book says to check the axle bore with the king pin for excessive play. The passenger side is a slip fit but the drivers side is a bit sloppy. What's allowable and if not what's the fix. The book says to use oversize king pins but I already have the kit and don't know where to get oversize ones or how to install them.
There is a top and bottom on the thrust bearing, they should be marked. Make sure the open side of the bearing faces down. They will get greased thru the lower grease fittings. The .010 over sized kingpins are used if your straight axle is worn or egg shaped. They will have to be reamed with a reamer. Check the diameter of the kingpin and check the hole in the axle. The kingpin should be .865 if they are standard. If you don't have a reamer check with a local garage or machine shop. Once the bearing and everything is in. check the clearance above the axle and spindle if is less than .005 no shim. if .006 or more shim with at least a .005 shim. The kit should come with them. Mine did. I think I have told you right maybe Nate will chime in and correct me if I'm wrong.
Thanks Guys Its nice to be able to get confrimation and additional information that's not in the stinking manual. I guess my problem is I'm more electrical than mechanical due to past experience. Still it's a great feeling when something goes right. Now all I have to do is see what the next challenge is. I did read the maual a couple more times so maybe the rest of the suspension work will go ok. Speakin gof that... anyone know how to get the protective type coating off a set of new springs. Seems they were coated with some type of what looks like vinyl paint that peeled off in places when I removed the duct tape that the vendors wrapped them in to ship them. Guess I'll try some solvents or something. Anyway, thanks Kg4mon and Nate (via pm) for the assistance.