Here's the "card" for ya all. 2 days late~ maybe you can use it for next year. Too many things pop up with no time to handle them all... By the way~ Yes, it's a Chevy, not a G... I was thinking of our master's ride when I drew this. Next year a G!
Thanks Guys! Wow~ Who needs a vacation if all you're going to do is work on everything but your truck?! The picture is as close as I've got! (Of course, I'd hope if I had a garage, I'd be a lot happier...) That picture was a bit rushed. It was supposed to be done for Christmas. Two days later and , well... Thanks! (Ken knows how I meet deadlines) A '54, eh, put-put? Any color in mind?
Okay Zig, everyone one knows that Mariner BLue is the only choice for a 54. It's as close to the King's Royal Blue as anyone could get. They just called it Mariner Blue so the masses would buy trucks with this outstandingly beautiful color. Guess you have no more questions about colors???....!!!