wondering if anyone knows, i rewired the taillights, back up lights, and front park lamps this weekend on my 66c10. everythings working...but... when i pull the headlight switch out all the way, the headlights come on, but the front park lamps go out. when i push the headlight switch back in to the "running lights" position the front park lamps work fine, i cant remember if this is normal but it doesnt sound right to me. im thinking its the headlamp switch and am wondering what others opinions are. also, when headlight switch is pulled fully out for the headlights to come on, and i hit the high beam switch, the indicater on the dash comes on for brights but the head lights go out. i hit the dimmer switch again and the indicator light on the dash goes out, and the head lights come back on.???? any and all opinions and advice will be greatly appriciated. thanks
"when i pull the headlight switch out all the way, the headlights come on, but the front park lamps go out. when i push the headlight switch back in to the "running lights" position the front park lamps work fine, i cant remember if this is normal but it doesnt sound right to me." My 64 GMC works that way too, have had two different switches installed and both worked the same. "when headlight switch is pulled fully out for the headlights to come on, and i hit the high beam switch, the indicater on the dash comes on for brights but the head lights go out. i hit the dimmer switch again and the indicator light on the dash goes out, and the head lights come back on.????" That’s not normal (I am sure you know that) I would check the wiring job with an ohmmeter and make sure all connections are correct.
They are meant to do that... BUT !!!! There is help !! You need to hook up a jumper between the parking light terminal on the headlight switch to the taillight terminal. It will take about a half hour, tops. Here is how it's done on a GMC, but the procedure is the same for Chevys. http://www.6066gmcguy.org/parklamp6466.htm Val
Your high beams are probably burnt out on both headlights. Replace one headlight with a new one and see if the one light stays on. If it does,? go out and buy another headlight for the other side. When you remove the old headlight check the contacts and socket. If corroded, clean them up. ALSO, someone may have put single filiment headlights in, meant for quad headlight equiped vehicles. Make sure the bulb had three terminals. Val
thanks blue65, thanks dvalentine, ill hook up that jumper this weekend, thats a really cool idea. i wasnt sure when that law came into effect, but that makes sense why these trucks were wired that way. the headlights do have the three post terminal, but like you said, the highs could be burnt out. getting a new light and testing is a good place to start like you said. im sure my wiring is fine thou, i bought all new harness for the entire truck throu chevy duty, and you know how it is, all plug and play. (as long as all the old switches work correctly) thanks again guys!!!!
Thanks Val, I visited that site before and didn’t notice that upgrade. While were on the topic is there a secret to riveting on new lenses?
Not sure what you mean there Pard. (?) Could you explain a little bit better for this old brain ?? Val
Hi Val The front Parking lamp lens is riveted to the housing on the GMC’s. The housing assembly is held on to the body with spring loaded metal tabs in the four corner locations. To replace the lens you must drill out the old rivet (no problem) then re-rivet the new lens back on to the housing (problem). The rivets supplied from the Filling Station seemed to be larger than those removed; of course pressing them through the housing scraped the rivets. I was able to attach the lens with a sheet metal screw (more convenient anyway) and grind the screw tip down so I wouldn’t contact the sheet metal but…
Hi Paul, I've got zero experience on GMCs. The Chevy's used a kind-of sheet metal screw to hold theirs on. Kinda goofy though huh ? Do you change the bulb through the back of the housing ?? Anyway, sounds like you got it nailed,, or should I say screwed... ;~) Val p.s. Were you planning on going to the GoodGuys at the end of March ? We could hook up is so. I'll be driving down, weather permitting... ( No wipers on the 37 ! )
Ive Figured It Out, Thanks Again Guys. Its The Harness That Runs From The Connector At The Core Support To The Headlights Themselves. The One Lighting Harness I Didnt Replace. Owell, Now It Will All Be Completly New. Thanks Again For The Help.