Hi everyone! I have just been searching the forum on lowering. Cuz I guess this have been up many times before. But couldnt find anything really good. I want to lower my 1949 Chevy 3100 pickup. Much! I found many post on how to do in the rear. Notching etc. IRS etc. But I would like more info on the front. How to lower it. Where I can get dropped spindles, dropped axles etc? Is there any finished "bolt on" airride kits for these trucks? How should I do, i dont want to put a "new clip" in the frame. How did you lower your truck in the front? Sorry for the newbie questions...new on this board, new on Chevys! Thanks!
Any serious lowering of the front of our trucks requires complete replacement of the front suspension. There is no such thing as dropped spindles for the stock axle. One can purchase a lowered front axle, but that will only get you 3-4 inches. Air bags on aftermarket Mustang II type suspension kits are the way to go if you want to get "down in the weeds". Heidt's, Fatman, and a lot of other people sell th M-II kits.
Thanks Bill! Then I know how it's done. Anyone have or know a Project thread / gallery with this operation of lowering the front end? I would help and get ideas!
Video http://www.powerblocktv.com/site3/index.php/trucks I saw some guys do it on this website I think if you want tehy wil sell a dvd for $5 or so Bill
using a 4" front drop axle and removing a few springs gets pretty low but the ride not all that great. heres some pics. www.droppedaxles.com/PHOTO_ALBUM.html
low in the front I had my springs De-Arched and one leaf removed ride is still good got it down about 4 inches or so just have to slow down for the pot holes. it's a low budget way to get the front end down. look at my avaitar pic Robert