292 It is plain to see why I want the old 292. The 261 is head & sholders above the 235 but harder to find parts. It is said a T5 will hook right up. The 292 drinks a lot of gas but when your having fun it dont matter.
Reality Check !ROAR ! ZOOOM ! WAAAA>>....... knock,knockKNOCKKNOCKKNOCKBANGBANGBANGKRUNCH SNAP BEND TWIST MANGLE CRRRUNCHhhhhh...... You don't get nowhere boys , Hot Rodding a long stroke engine . anydamnfool know this .
Did somebody say "Hot Rodding a long stroke engine"?...Not only do you get there, but you get there real fast!!!!!
Wow Big Jim, I never really checked out your truck because i assumed that it was a small block when i saw the bug catcher just checked the pick and wow..... like your style dude
As Jim , Er TIM Knows Getting there is only 1/2 the fun ! . Most Hot Rodders hereabouts don't actually drive except on the weekend to the malt shop where they polish the tire treads . Guys like Jim know how to make an old truck move right along without destroying it every instant , he's prolly a nice guy who'll save the plodders like me , a nice cold one and decent parking for when I eventually show up . I was just worried about yet more precious long stroke , thinwall 292's being ruined by kids I guess . Ranting over (for now anyways) .
Talking As "Jim" Knows ... Thanks NATE, and it's TIM DAMMIT!!!! TIM TIM TIM TIM TIM TIM TIM TIM TIM TIM TIM TIM TIM TIM Say it with me, TIM TIM TIM TIM TIM TIM TIM TIM You remind me of the time Zig was calling me "Big James of Timtown" I'm just giving you shit Nate because well, I can and yes if we ever meet up I will have a cold beer to offer. Actually in my family most of the boys are named "Tim" My brother in law, his son and even the dog are all named "Tim". So when my dad would call one the rest of us would answer. So to avoid the confusion he called me "Goddammit Tim" since that's all he's called me my whole life.....BIG TIM DAMMIT!
Thanks Brit, it's been 32 years of fun, 5 different engine combinations, 10 transmissions, and 4 rearends and finally a complete frame and suspension build to get where I'm at. I hope to get back on it one day soon when this economy gets better and finish.....Big Tim
Not worthy Jim, I'm so so sorry I got your name wrong, please forgive me, I'm not worthy. I've googled Timtown and came up a blank, what state is that in? Just out of interest, i like to have a geographical picture in my mind of where all the guys come from.
Brit, I'm from Jamestown California and my name is Tim. That's why I go by "Big Tim Jamestown" But for some reason I get called everything but that sometimes including somethings I shouldn't repeat lol...... Big Tim
No stamina I'm sorry Tim, I can't keep this up, ragging on you like that. Not as you have such a cool truck an all. Now ifn you had a G...............
Re:Big,giant,huge Sweet sweet truck ya got there Tim. No mistaking that you've built it all yourself.