Can someone help me find the choke and throttle cable mounting clamps that go on the carb. Mine are missing.
Look on fleabay prolly have to by a junk carb and get these parts off of it. Do you have a Carter or Rottenchester? Dont think you can find these parts seperately. I do see carbs occasionally on fleabay that have the clamps.
This item is not reproduced, and tended to dissappear over the ages. You can whittle yourself out one from some flat steel and creative cutting.
Like said, Need to know what Carb , a Pic would be more helpfull . Ive got a few extra Carbs , Not sure if the Clamps are on them or not . Bob
I just went through that dilemma, I changed over to a dual carb (leaky Rochester's) and found there are a couple, at least, variations of the carb/choke bracket. I lucked out, when I bought my second carb it had a different bracket then my previous carb had. One is a little wider/longer then the other. The carter has one also, never could find a matching pair! I also found an obscure truck part company, American classic truck parts, they sell used ones and show photos of the different ones they sell. Thankfully, I didn't need to buy one. It would be a bit of a struggle to fabricate one when you don't have an original to copy, but yeah, it would be easy to make. Flashlight
The carb is Rochester made in USA. The engine is a 234 and I can only assume it is original engine and carb at this point. Does run very well but after sitting for a few days I have to give it a drink before cranking. I thought the choke might help.
Is this the part you are looking for? Thunder54 found on for me. Let's hope someone else out there has one for you. It's called a Bowden bracket. Greg
And , The little brass clampy things on the cable ends are called " Barrel Clamps " and most hardware stores have them although the boob clerk may not know it , you'll have to go _look_ .
A real good small engine shop should have some of the clamp parts. They are used on mower throtles. Jim
Thanks everyone, I did find it on american classic truck parts and already have it on the way. This forum is more valuable to all of us than most realize. thanks again.