My Air force GMC

Discussion in '1955-1959' started by AirforceGMC, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. AirforceGMC

    AirforceGMC Member

    Dec 30, 2009
    I just Found this 57 GMC on craigslist out in the Mojave Desert near Edwards Air Force. Not sure what im going to do with it yet, but its mine :)

    Original craigslist add
    "This truck has an interesting history. She was built at the Oakland, Ca GMC plant and then shipped to Iowa to be converted into a snowplow for the air force for clearing runways. The remodeled
    unit was called a SnoGo. The dashboard has the U.S. War department placard attached.
    The truck has lots of military spec mods to the suspension and drivetrain including the removal of the Pontiac V-8 for a Chevy 235 6."

    By mgranta, shot with Canon PowerShot A410 at 2010-01-04

    By mgranta, shot with Canon PowerShot A410 at 2010-01-04

    By mgranta, shot with Canon PowerShot A410 at 2010-01-04

    By mgranta, shot with Canon PowerShot A410 at 2010-01-04
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2010
  2. cowboy357

    cowboy357 Member

    Oct 14, 2008
    Howdy & Welcome . Nice looking truck You have there . But I Beleive the Guy was Blowin smoke Or really Beleived it because of the tag ,But I dont think that Placard belongs on that truck :confused: .

    On the tag the truck model # represents it belongs to a Marmon Herrington SnoGo Which for the most part 40,s model fords , But could have even been earlier models 4wd Made specificlly for snow removal with a large snow blower on the front .

    It also shows top speed at 40 MPH & gross weight being 11000 lbs None of this seems to match the truck You have . Did You get a title with it ? Here is a bit of info below I found online about the Model # on that tag .

    That Being said , I,m not saying I,m right . Just worth looking into more . If that tag does not belong to that truck , the tag alone might be worth quite a bit to anyone that has what it does belong to . As they seem to be fairlly rare . No matter what its interesting to say the least . Please update with what You find out . :D Thanks Bob

    Here is another link You might find interesting .

    1942 Ford / Marmon Herrington SNOGO
    Built on a 1942 Ford 1 1/2 ton commercial chassis converted to all wheel drive by Marmon Herrington, model number KMM5-4, serial number 472367, the truck was delivered to Klauer Mfg in Dubois Iowa on December 3 1941.

    On January 27, 1943, SNOGO unit model LTR, serial number 1086, powered by an International Harvester IGC U-21 engine, serial number UH3311Z1 was fitted to the chassis. The truck was then delivered to the Ford Willow Run Bomber plant on June 16th 1943 where it was assigned the Defense Plant Corporation number of MI-4862-A3.

    This unit continued to operate in front line snow removal service until 1970 when it was moved to backup status along with one of the other original 6 machines, the fate of the other four is unknown.

    In 1982, this unit, along with one other was sold to the Ann Arbor Airport where they served as front line units once again, apparently well into the 1990's.

    In August 2006, SNOGO 1086 returned home to Willow Run when the Ann Arbor Airport donated it to the Yankee Air Museum. The Yankee Air Museum has contracted with Ron Leatherman of Military Repair & Restoration Inc.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2010
  3. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
  4. AirforceGMC

    AirforceGMC Member

    Dec 30, 2009
    Hey thanks I've been lurking on forums so long I almost forgot that I had never posted here

    and thanks for the info on the truck, I had not been able to find much on the trucks history but did find some of same info you guys did. Not sure how much snow the get up in the Mojave Desert but thats what I was told it was for.

    I kinda hope it is just a regular truck I was not looking for anything special, I just wanted a long bed big window to haul my motorcycles. Not really looking for a truck Im responsible for keeping I was just glad I found a truck I could drive 2hrs home and was in my price range.

    Here is a pic of the front suspension, I was told there are a few leaf added and that the canister above the front axle is filled with lead. not sure what they do...maybe help with traction???
    By mgranta at 2010-01-04

    By mgranta, shot with Canon PowerShot A410 at 2010-01-04

    By mgranta, shot with Canon PowerShot A410 at 2010-01-04
  5. AirforceGMC

    AirforceGMC Member

    Dec 30, 2009
    The only rear suspension mod I see is missing shocks and maybe a few extra leaf springs? Im not sure how many leaf were there to begin with but I know a few will be coming out...haha

    Attached Files:

  6. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    Those canisters do contain weights and springs. Standard on GMC Suburbans and optional on all 1/2 ton trucks. You should remove them and send them to me for safe disposal. I won't charge you anything for this service. I have documentation on this option somewhere at home and will post it when I find it.

    6, 7 and 8 leaf springs were available on 1/2 ton GMCs. Your's has 9, so it is not "as from the factory". The middle leaf has a bolt through the leading edge, which definitly isn't stock.

    The 57 Chevy grill isn't stock.

    I'm no expert, but I've never seen a 55-59 GMC with a side mount spare on the passenger's side.

    Is there a data plate on the cab at the driver's side door jamb? If so, please post the GM serail number.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2010
  7. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    Looks like there is a brake fluid leak where the hard line on the frame attaches to the rubber line going to the rear axle.
  8. steve

    steve Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Just a guick look at the body, a big window on a short bed, spare tire on the not located on the driverside, Is the dash a GMC?

    I like it, lets see DoD Air Force Gray..
  9. AirforceGMC

    AirforceGMC Member

    Dec 30, 2009
    its got a really thick coat of brushed on primer but under that it looks Olive drab and under that I can see the stock teal looking paint.

    door tag serial # 1028ct1886 i have not tried to decode yet.
  10. AirforceGMC

    AirforceGMC Member

    Dec 30, 2009
    That line was the first thing I changed...brake peddle hit the floor one day with no emergency brake...(had to change my shorts when I got next day made a trip to the shop in orange co. and got some new brake lines and e brake cable, still not sure how that cable goes in...anybody have a pic or diagram of how it attaches to the levers?
  11. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    10 1/2 ton
    2 123" wheelbase
    8 347" Pontiac V8
    c built in Oakland Ca plant
    t 1957 model
    1886 886th produced
  12. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX

    It is called a "Road Shock Damper". Following from '57 GMC 100 series sales brochure.

    Attached Files:

  13. AirforceGMC

    AirforceGMC Member

    Dec 30, 2009
    Hey thanks for the info bill. Is there a reason there would not be any rear shocks or lower shock mounts?

    This thing was on a donkey farm when I found it and needed some real cleaning. still finding hay all over the place.

    Attached Files:

  14. cowboy357

    cowboy357 Member

    Oct 14, 2008
    Interesting info Bill , Thanks , I,d never heard of that setup on the front . I,ve also never seen the spare tire mount on the passenger side & cant seem to find any info on chevy or GMC,s ever being in that location .

    As far as no shocks on the rear , with the front setup like it is & the heavy duty extra springs on the rear I wouldn,t think rear shocks would be needed . But I,m no expert either . Also seems odd it has the 57 chevy grille in it .

    I,d be Curious to know if it looks like it ever had any type PTO setup on it , or Levers or holes in the floor ( Hard to tell from the dash pics ) If it was setup for a plow I would think it would have to have Hydraulics to raise & lower the Blower or blade . Interesting truck though . Looking forward to more pics & info . Bob
  15. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    I think it should have rear shocks. Being a 57 GMC, it should have a Spicer 45 rear end like my truck does. Is the rear cover on the differential round? If not, it is the Spicer. I can take pictures of my lower shock mount if needed.

    Bet it is a bear to turn that small steering wheel when not moving.
  16. AirforceGMC

    AirforceGMC Member

    Dec 30, 2009
    Steering this thing is a work out for sure...almost dont want to drive it sometimes. power steering is really high on my list. I was thinking Toyota box or a R&P behind the axle but have not seen any kits for the R&P yet

    are the shock mounts normally attached to the U bolts and brackets?
    Bill I would love to see a pic of the lower shock mounts? once I see them im sure I can just fab something out of 1/4" plate.

    there is a ton of dirt on this thing...its going to take forever to clean all of it off.
    By mgranta, shot with Canon PowerShot A410 at 2010-01-04
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2010
  17. AirforceGMC

    AirforceGMC Member

    Dec 30, 2009
    The guy I got it from said it didnt have a grill or a hood emblem when he got it and told me he got this one from another truck.
  18. smfulle

    smfulle Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    Ogden, Utah
  19. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    If I had to do it again I'd use the Toyota box.

    Looks like a Spicer 45 to me. I'll try to remember to take pics tonight.
  20. AirforceGMC

    AirforceGMC Member

    Dec 30, 2009

    thanks stan

    I Just got there catalog in the mail, but for some how I missed that power rack set up. I'm afraid to even look at the price for that set up.

    Bill what do you like about the toyota box set up?

    I know ccp will be at the swap meet this weekend and I may get something if the price is right.

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