Poor Nate, his sewer truck trial and tribulation is getting a competing entry. A customer brought back his 66 Mustang that we spent a week block sanding to get mirror straight sides on, not easy on this body style. He put American Mags on it and didn't remove the center caps to tighten the lug nuts--a no-no with these wheels. After swapping the T10 4sp for a stronger top loader I took it for a test drive, lost left rear wheel and wiped out 1/4 panel. Evan 1--Mustang 0. Then backed out wifes fishing truck to make room to get stang back in shop. Mirrors set for 4' 9" wife so back over V8 MG. Evan 2--MG 0. Check out fishing truck and it's right 1/4 is gouged. Evan 3-- fishing truck 0. Went home.
Check Evan out! Single-handedly driving up insurance rates across America! I'd say you had one of those, "Shoulda' stayed in bed" kinda days. That's an expensive Championship trophy you earned... We're here for ya. At least you didn't run over the GRILL!!! (right Andy?)
I've got a million stories! Like "Sometimes you're the bug, sometimes you're the windshield" Or, "she gets the diamond, you get the shaft". Or my favorite and I take this from my favorite show in the late '60's "Gloom, despair and agoney on me, deep dark depression, excessive misery, if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all, gloom despair and agoney on me" Thank you to "HEE HAW" for that and thank you to you, Evan, for letting me know that I'm not the only one that can FUBAR, cry, laugh and reflect over it, dust my britches off, and say "Learn from it boys!" God bless you, my friend! It's merely a scratch!
Here is one to make you feel better. My mom would kill me if she knew I posted this.... A few months back my dear mom was getting gas at the station down the street from their house. She went in to get a Dr. Pepper and pay for the gas and she forgot to hang up the pump. Yes, She actually drove off with the hose dangling from the side of here SUV! She threatened me with my life if I ever repeated this to my father. He would never let her live this one down... Even though he is the guy that has backed the trucks into the tongue of the boat trailer at least four times. To err is human....
Remember The Granny... ..Who backed he old mans cherry AD out the garage having left the passenger side door ajar ? Yep , she wrapped the passenger side door 180° around and against the right front fender... That truck sold cheaply (well , affordably) to a very lucky and smart bodyman If you work in a shop , you'll see some really awful things happen to the vehicles and occasionally , the employees I'm sure you all know what the last thing to go through a bug's mind as he splats against your windshiled ? .
I believe the correct answer is his b#++hole. At least that is the way I heard it many years ago. Gater
Now Ken, you know I cleaned it up from what I originally typed. I wouldn't want to spoil their freshness. Gater
Ken do you forget that I'm a mechanic by trade and that I don't hear/say while I'm at work. Though I haven't ever heard that one before (last thing through it's mind). To make you feel better coilover last year I had my one and only wreck in a customer car. I decided to back a $70k dollar X5 into the glass repair man's truck. My boss wasn't really all that mad, but boy did I hear it from the guys.
Ha ha... Kevin and I just got called kids Well working on cars, truck, and motorcycles brings out the saylor in all of us if you know what I mean. I was four years old, and "helping" my grandfather change his oil. He was scoot'n out from under the truck, bumped the pan, and spilled oil on the drive way. First words out of my mouth were "Well Shit" He looked at me like he was going to give me a talk'n to, but despite his desperate attempts to refrain from lauqhing he just cracked up and said watch your mouth young lady.