Can I vote early and often? I love it! Here's his campaign slogan "An AD in every driveway"! But who will run as his VP?
Does Nate have a chance? We know where he stands on Inline 6 vs V8. We know that he detests trailer queens vs daily drivers. Metallic on an AD? Absolutely not! I'm with him 100%. But what about the radicals who think that pink is cool for a farm truck? We've seen 'em, but we're afraid to say so! What about his health! We need a strong VP candidate who could take over! Is he tough enough to keep the masses from publically saying the F word? Lord knows we need to pray and make the right decision!
I dunno where you made this but it's good . " Valve In head Means Ahead In VALUE ! " Even Shirley can't stop me from cussing when I get mad JUST VOTE ! I don't care for whom but NO WHINING later on if you don't go do your Civic Duty Tuesday Nov. 4th .
Election fun You can just put in anyone's name and send it to them. It's on the AARP site. I've already voted by mail, like most folk in WA state already have I suspect. Bob