Hi everyone, Nate just called me a little while ago. He is still in the hospital, but coming home soon. Maybe even today. Bad accident on Sept. 30, I believe. Happened at 4:30 in the morning when he was stopped at a traffic light on his motorcycle. Rear-ended by a taxi that didn't see the red light. Nate figures the guy hit him at about 40 MPH or more. Broke a vertebra in his back, but a stable fracture that is not in danger of paralyzing him. Skull fracture, cerebral hematoma, broken clavicle, etc. No surgery needed. He is walking and okay and prognosis for full recovery is very good. The guy sounds in very good spirits and wanted me to say "hello" to everyone on the forum for him. He says it will still be a while before he gets back on to say "hi" himself, but will as soon as he can. He's very coherent and certainly thankful that he was well geared up when he was hit. Impact lodged him in the windshield and the bike was still standing up and inserted into the grill of the taxi that hit him. He's also thankful he's not paralyzed or dead as that most certainly could have been the case. We talked for a while and then the phone in the hospital room rang, so he had to go. Hope this brings a sigh of relief to eveyone on the forum. I know it made me feel a little better hearing how damn good he sounded considering what happened to him. Andy
nate Glad to finally hear some good news this week. Sounds like the end result should have been much worse. Happy to hear that it wasn't! Hope Nate has a quick and painless recovery.......Mike
The extra mile Andy, thanks for going the extra mile. Great to know Nate will be OK! Sounds painful howeve and we may have to chip in and buy some air shocks for his truck
No, let's chip in and buy him a plexiglas bubble for his bike! Then we can call him Nate-The Bubble Boy. If he'd been in his truck, it would have totaled the cab and cost him $20 in rustoleum rattle paint to fix the rear bumper!
A Great Guy Nate is a great guy that most of us have never met in person or talked to on the phone. But is here for any and all of us to lend a helping hand to guide us step by step to help keep our old chevy trucks on the road. in fact everbody is very helpful here. My 2 Cents ROBERT P S THANKS FOR THE UPDATE ANDY.
That is a relieving bit of news. One has all sorts of disturbing visions that might keep Nate from his passions, and he has many. Our thanks to you Andy for being vigilant about the situation and providing updates. New members to the hobby and the forum should go to the search function and have all of Andy's threads listed. They would see in the beginning how he wasn't hesitant to ask questions, no matter how seemingly arcane to us old dogs, and thank the people who helped. He is obviously a quick study because now he can give very good solutions and suggestions on just about any aspect of these old trucks. A new "Nate" in the making?
...and great dad! Andy also knows how to "set the hook" in his children when it comes to developing a love for these old trucks! (Check the photo gallery.) Thank you, Andy! I don't seem to have time to do diddly, but I always check for an update on the great Nate~ I couldn't have hoped for a better report. I'm glad you have his number and kept after it! Looking forward to having you back, Nate!
Welcome home Nate The word from Dave Isle over on the old-chevy-truck e-mail list is below. It was time stamped 12:58A this morning. "I just talked to Nate tonight and he is hurting but he got home today Yeah!!!!! He is very happy to be alive. He told me he has about 200 e-mails from well wishes I am just so glad he is home now!!!!!!!!!" And I just noticed that Nate posted two messages on the TF forum around 10PM last night LALA time. https://talk.classicparts.com/showthread.php?t=8629 Makes me feel
Thanks Andy! Glad to hear that Nate is home. Happy his condition not worse. Really miss him on the forum. Gene
Great relief Great news, the old duffer is made of tuff stuff! the Godfather of the forum lives to tell the tale, cant wait to hear his story of events. And for all those who dont know who Nate is, hes a highly respected, incredibly knowledgable, dad you wish you had type of guy who always helped out with his vast experience with these old trucks, he knows more than the majority of the guys on here put together and his love of the stovebolt and AD trucks comes across in his posts, he is always welcoming new members with a warm heart and words of advice and respects all members wether they are rodders, resto or old skool. I for one feel thankful for meeting him on here and his advice has helped me out many many times. Hes the Godfather of the forum. And for the conspiricy theorists amongst us, yes, i too think it was an attemted asassination by the guys from the F$*d forum, these are dangerous times, keep vigilant!
Welcome back nate Glad to see you are back on line with your words of wisdom. Hope all is going well and are recovering well, Best wishes from the other side of the pond Gerald
Thanks to the Big fella upstairs Welcome back Nate, you must have been a real good guy in your life for the big fella to have been looking after you in those early hours, i want to know what you take to make you tough enough to take a hit like that!!! the whole forum was in a state of shock and everyone was extreemly concerned for your welfare old boy, its so good to hear you will be fine after a well deserved rest and no lasting serious injuries. Now i think you need to keep one eye open while you sleep in case those F$*d guy try and get you again
Well Neil ; In truth , I was a _very_ bad boy in my wayward youth and have more to atone for than ' Earl ' ever will , I've cheated death many times before and not because I'm clever , God protects fools and drunks and I don't hardly imbibe so you know what that means . I'm just one lucky , blessed MF and keenly aware of it . It's good to be alive , lemme tell ya . Everyone always calls me a tough old buzzard and I don't get why as I've not been able to work hard like before for 20 years but now even my doctor calls me this... I'm a bit worried the increase in pain may preclude me riding much after this , I allready have terrible pain after only a few hours in the saddle but I hope he won't take this away from me as punishment . I have an old Honda 90 I keep for sh*ts & grins , always figured I'd be riding it in my 90's but we'll see . Having you alls for freinds really is nice .
Great to "hear" from you... Friend - What a relief to read your words. While we have never met in person, your advice has kept me going more than once. PTL - it's good to have you back. Ps. I think you owe Ken an apology for tagginh him a a G-man!