Craig, staff at Chevy Duty: I purchased the alternator conversion kit for my '66 stepside and I was wondering what year model(s) alternator to get with the interal regulator to plug the kit into. Oh, I have the 6 cyl./250 engine if that makes a difference. Thanks. -ftyler
I converted my 65 half ton to internal regulator using a alternator from a 78 Chevrolet pickup. Depending upon the amperage you want you can use any internal regulated alternator before 1985 as long as it fits your brackets. I believe they are all the same bolt pattern but I am not for sure. Also Summit racing and Jegs cary high output alternators, as well as chrome and powdercoated alternators that work well.
Don't forget e-Bay !! Just don't get caught buy the "bidding bug" and pay more that it's worth. See it happen !!
Bought one from autozone from a 72 and put it in my 66 it worked and has a life time warrinte good luck Rupert