My '57 GMC will most likely be totaled after last Saturday's wreck ( details here: ). Assuming the insurance company will let me retain (or purchase) the remains, I'd like to dismantle the hulk and sell the remaining good pieces at reasonable prices to the rest of my on-line old truck enthusiasts. To do that, I'll need to find a fairly secure place to park it while I rip the good pieces off. Indoors would be best, but outdoors would be acceptable. I'd probably need the space for at least 2 months. I'm in Spring Texas, about 25 miles north of downtown Houston. If you have any ideas, please let me know.
Your truck I just seen the pics of your destroyed truck. Shocking. It seems you came through it in good shape but your truck didn't. This sure makes you think long and hard about what the future might bring. Glad you had a seat belt on. Those pics are a convincing argument for seat belts. Is the other driver ok? Hopefully he or she got a stack of traffic tickets. Gerald in Florida
Yeah , Well ; The roumour is : he doesn't actually have a truck anyway . Let that shoulder heal before taking things apart .