Not a good week

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by GLRnTX, Mar 31, 2010.

  1. GLRnTX

    GLRnTX Member

    Jun 6, 2008
    Helotes, TX
    So after finding a leaking freeze plug behind the bellhousing last week, I decided to take a break. I needed to get the truck registered and insured, so I could start driving it whenever it gets fixed.

    I went into the local County tax office with registration, title and my antique 1951 plates. I was going to register it as an Antique, and it was my understanding that I could use an original set of plates as long as they were (1) of the same year of the manufacture of the truck and (2) were in good condition... right??

    Well, it turns out the set of plates I paid $50 for several years ago are for a "Farm Truck". The State of Texas, in its infinite wisdom, has decided that plates that originally had a restricted use cannot be used for Antique or Classic registrations. I did not believe the clerk at the tax office, so I contacted the state directly.

    I finally got confirmation from a guy at the DMV and this is what he said:

    Attached are answers clarifying the new Admin. Code 17.28 regarding use of certain old plates.

    With the new code in effect, only general issue plates (passenger car, truck, motorcycle, travel trailer) and non-qualifying specialty plates (for example, Animal Friendly) can be used as old plates that are the same year model as the vehicle.

    Passenger car old plates can go on a passenger car or truck.

    Truck old plates can go on a passenger car or truck.

    Motorcycle old plates can only go on a motorcycle.

    Travel Trailer old plates can only go on a travel trailer (Old plates with just trailer or any other type of trailer cannot be used because by law "travel trailer" is required to show up on the travel trailer registration).

    Without all of the legal jargon, this is what the new Admin. code 17.28 states (Steve forwarded to us on 1/15/09):

    Effective immediately, the following types of old license plates are not eligible and will not be approved for re-use on Classic Motor Vehicles, Classic Travel Trailers, or Exhibition (Antique) Vehicles.

    1. Restricted Use License Plates: License plates that restrict the use of a vehicle, such as Farm Truck plates.

    2. Qualifying License Plates: License plates that do not restrict the use of a vehicle but require the applicant to meet one or more eligibility requirements, such as State Official license plates, in order to display the plates on a vehicle.

    Note: While some applicants may actually be eligible to receive new versions of the qualifying/restricted use plates, because the old plates are to be placed on Classic or Exhibition vehicles we do not have the ability to identify them as both Classic/Farm Truck or Exhibition/State Official.

    Administrative rules addressing this subject were adopted in December 2008 and became effective January 7, 2009.

    This is the link to the actual wording in the Admin Code:$ext.TacPage?sl=R&app=9&p_dir=&p_rloc=&p_tloc=&p_ploc=&pg=1&p_tac=&ti=43&pt=10&ch=217&rl=28

    Thank you for your inquiry.

    Terry Stabeno
    Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
    VTR Customer Services Representative II
    Correspondence Services Branch

    Just thought I would let everyone know in case they had "Farm Truck" plates in Texas. When you go to renew, they won't let you keep them.

    Just another kick in the crotch...

  2. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    You saying they will take your property you paid 50 $ for? or they will not let you keep the farm truck tags on the truck, and you need to buy other old ones or accept the new tags issued for a newnew one?
  3. GLRnTX

    GLRnTX Member

    Jun 6, 2008
    Helotes, TX
    They will not take my Farm Truck plates, I just can't use them on the truck. Now I have to find another set and prices have gone way up since I bought mine.

    The law is so stupid. They will let you use Truck plates on a passenger car, but not Farm Truck plates on a truck.

    The original rationale for the Farm Truck plates was to get a tax break, but be limited to using the truck exclusively for transporting livestock, produce, etc. from the farm to the market and for no other use.

    With the Classic registration, there is no tax issue. So to restrict the use of Farm Truck plates is just plain stupid.
  4. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    WOW, Sounds like the peoples republic of Santa Monica refugees from our melt down and layoffs have moved to Texas and went to work for your DMV, sorry to hear about this. :eek:
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2010
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Another Option

    Well ;

    Not that I ever did this on my old 1928 A Model brand 'F' TuDor (oh no, not ME ! :rolleyes:)

    Register it using the cheaper crappy new license plates the retarded welfare to work DMV clerk insisted I must use , keep them both in the DMV envelope under the driver's seat and drive on the old license plates I/you wanted to use and were willing to pay top Dollar to use , in the rare occurrance of officer Freindly pulling you over to ask whey the hell there's a 1964 license sticker on the old plates that're not even in his computer , you just smile and tell him this happy story about how it *is* registered and insured (here's the new plates right here , see ?) but the DMV clerk was in a bad mood so you just did what she said and here we all are on this fine sunny day , enjoying life and out for a drive , hey didja know my uncle used to own this very truck and hauled milk to the dairy in it every day back in 1959 ? .

    Etc. .

    I must say , I would never , EVER do such a thing and those who *thought* they saw me driving said 1928 TuDor all over Los Angeles so equipped must have been on drugs or summat because everyone knows that VW Nate is a Law abiding Citizen and besides, he only drives old CHEVIES donch'a know ! :rolleyes:

    Er , whut were you talking about again ? .
  6. ol' chebby

    ol' chebby Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    In NC we can run old plates as long as the registered plate is kept in the vehicle.

    Auto Fair is next weekend, let me know exactly what you are looking for and I will see what I can find....there are usually lots of tag vendors out there.
  7. brit 50

    brit 50 Member

    Dec 6, 2005
    Essex England, the motherland
    If you worked for the gov you could see this makes perfect sense:rolleyes:
    Do you honestly expect anything else but stupidity from gov depts???
  8. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    _NOW_ I Understand....

    I work for the Gov't. you know..... :p
  9. Thunder54

    Thunder54 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Port Arthur, TX
    take Nate's Advice


    Put the farm plates on your truck, and throw the valid antique plate in the cab corner behind the seat.

    I have been driving my 54 for 8 years in Texas. Never been stopped by the law, but waved at a lot, and lots of thumb's up!

    Antique vehicles have to be insured, but not safety inspected, nor do we have to display license stickers on our wind shields.

    Unless you take your truck out and get in a bad wreck (knock on wood), you will never get pulled over in Texas unless you do something glaringly illegal like open loud exhausts, no lights after dark(or those little blue centers in your tail lights), or moon shine whiskey running.

    You should see some of the junk the rat rodders around here get away with all the time.

    I know several folks running old farm truck plates likely registered before the reg change. I saw a set on an old car yesterday at the show and shine with the "farm truck" lettering blacked out.

    I have a 54 Texas truck plate on the front of my truck I picked up at a flea market, but it has no mate. So I run it "illegally' on the front, and my antique issue plate is on the rear.

    The local NSRA safety inspector pointed this out to me, by we just laughed about it.

    Good luck.

  10. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    I've been daily driving my '57 GMC since 1990 with YOM Texas plates since 1991. When I repainted it in 1998 I decided to leave the front plate off because it looked ugly (leaving myself open for comments from the Peanut Gallery here). So far the local Gestapo have left me alone. I was coming out of a pizza joint a few years ago and saw a Deputy Sheriff giving my truck the once over. He definitely noticed the lack of the front plate, but his only comment was "nice truck".
  11. Thunder54

    Thunder54 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Port Arthur, TX
    There you go

    Bill is right on, in Texas we are required to run plates front and rear, except antique issue plates are only issued for the rear of the vehicle.

    By the way Greg, as great as your truck looks, you need to put a picture of your prize in your "avitar". Not the movie, but the picture spot by your handle in this talented literary gallery.

    The picture attached is from Easter Saturday for Zig (no license plate required).


    Attached Files:

  12. GLRnTX

    GLRnTX Member

    Jun 6, 2008
    Helotes, TX
    Make it so...

    Consider it done.
  13. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Thanks, Jim...

    You really know how to hurt a guy, Jim!

    Dang that's nice! 5~8 pound range?
  14. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    Jim -

    That's a mighty ugly hat you are wearing. Sort of like the hat equivalent of a GMC grille.

    My daughter married one, therefore I can say anything bad about Aggies I want to.

    - Bill ;)
  15. Thunder54

    Thunder54 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Port Arthur, TX
    fishing guide

    That isn't me in the photo. Bass is about 5 pounds, what one can do with a digital photo.

    The boy in the photo is my 31 year old Aggie. We are both Aggies, I am just older. Much older. Older than my AD. My bride is a t sip, as I suspect Bill that you are likely to be from your fondness of references to the Men of Kyle.

    I just take him to my good spots, and he catches one to my 3 or 4.

    He tolerates fishing with his dad.

    Gig 'em!

  16. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Hey Thunder!

    What are the chances of that being Good ol' Sam? Looks like a typical Rayburn bass to me! Zig and I talked about Sam Rayburn reservoir a few years back. I told him back then that he had an open invitation to come down and I'd take him there in my "jon boat" so he could catch some trophy bass. I guess he'd rather work on his truck instead!

    Zig, here's a pic of my jon boat and another typical Sam Rayburn bass!

    Champion bass boat.jpg

    Picture 017.jpg

    Zig, c'mon down before it gets too hot!

  17. Thunder54

    Thunder54 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Port Arthur, TX
    Wheels and keels show


    Nope, I catch most of my bass right around the county. Out of a genuine jon boat, not one of those "glitter boogie" bass master outfits like you boys from Tomball.

    Redfish on one side of the levee, bass on the other.

    Ducks on either side during the cool part of the year.

    What do you know about the car and boat show in Kemah? Looks mighty fancy for a 54 AD pulling a 54 merc on a mahogany plywood boat all the way from Port arthur, but it might be sorta fun. First weekend in May, would you and Bill bring your trucks? My friend with the 54 boat also has a 57 Yellow Jacket/ Evenrude rig Bill can pull and I know he has a cute little plywood hull with a 50 model Hurricane 10 Merc that will match up well with your 50 model.

    Just dreaming I guess.


    Attached Files:

  18. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Nice rigs!

    I think you need to have your boat hooked up to your AD, Ken. :cool:

    Jim~ glad to see you don't shy away from pulling your boat. :rolleyes:

    My little boat is pathetic compared to either one of yours, but at least I'm off the bank. This summer I'll be able to see how my daughter does in it. She seems excited about the idea. We'll see.
    I wouldn't mind upgrading to a 16 foot flat bottom, but there I go dreaming again. :p

    All I can say to your invite, Ken, is "someday..." This time of year IS perfect for the bigguns though. (Even when it's as windy as it is today!)

    Catch a few for me, guys. I'll be on the water after May.
  19. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    Actually, I entered "Cougar High" at 17 years of age in 1964, majored in Bridge and minored in Hearts for a year, flunked out and then Uncle Sam came looking for me. I just like to give my Corp Turd Aggie son in law a hard time.
  20. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    Wheels and Keels show entries are by invitation only. Real "high brow" stuff. I haven't been in 7-8 years, but it is worth seeing.

    More info here:

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